Burial---- Family-------- Christian----- Age Abode-------------- Civil---- Ship of------- Quality or-------------- Minister Ref.     
Date       Name           Name                                   Status    Arrival        Profession                        No.   
06/04/1829 MORGAN         Eleanor        44y Mereworth           Emancip't 1816 Mary Ann  ux Alexander nee Mills         EH 0001                                                             
04/09/1829 AYRES          George             Glensnork                                                                      0002  
03/02/1830 PEARCE         Sarah          15m Bombarlow           Col' Born 1828 Mary & Samuel Pearce                     ML 0003  
26/04/1830 BOARDEN        Elizabeth       4m Sutton Forest       Col' Born 1829 - & Timothy Kennedy                      ML 0004                  
06/05/1830 GROVES         William        56y Sutton Forest                      Phoenix   servant to Mr Nicholson        ML 0005  
19/10/1830 POTTER         John           30y Sutton Forest       Convict   1828 Morley    servant to Mr Nicholson        ML 0006                  
24/10/1830 LOSEBY         Mary Ann      3w3d Bong Bong           Col' Born 1830 Richard & Mary nee Rice                  ML 0007  
[0001] occupation: servant  
[0002] no minister recorded
[0005] tree fell on him  
EH:Edward Hill - schoolmaster 
ML:Mr Layton - catechist      

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