Burial-------- Family-------- Christian----- Age Status---------- Arrival----------------------------------
Date    Church Name           Name                                Year Ship
12/03/1816 SPS JACKSON        Benjamin       20m Child            1814                                     
22/05/1817 SMW JACKSON        James          34y Convict          1815 Indefatigable  
25/01/1816 SLL JACKSON        Mary Ann        4y Child            1812 dau of John & Mary nee Kershaw      
28/02/1819 SLL JACKSON        Samuel         27y Convict          1816 Ocean          
31/01/1811 SPS JACKSON        William        66y Convict          1791 William & Ann                       
09/05/1814 SPS JACKSON        William Ralph  45y Emancipist       1804 Coromandel                          
17/04/1811 SJP JACQUES        Martha          5m Convicts Child   1809 dau of Isiah & Ann nee Bromley
15/10/1818 SJP JAEX           John Reeves    56y Convict                                                   
15/09/1813 SPS JAMES          Mary Ann       16m Child            1812                                     
16/05/1819 SMW JAMES          Robert         43y Convict          1818 Shipley        
08/02/1817 SPS JAMIESON       Sophia Rebecca 14m Child            1815 dau of John & Catherine Caine
04/06/1820 SDH JAMISON/JEMMERSON  John       48y Convict          1803 HMS Calcutta                        
24/10/1820 SPS JAQUES         John           55y Free                                                      
28/12/1820 SJP JARVIS         Jane            8d Infant           1820                                     
22/04/1813 SPS JEFFRIES       John           53y Emancipist       1788 Alexander      
07/04/1812     JEFFRIES       Mary           26y Convict          1811 Friends        
10/03/1820 SJL JEFFS          John           48y Emancipist       1788 Alexander                           
18/05/1818 SPS JEFFS          Sarah          60y Emancipist       1794 Surprise                            
  /  /1820     JEMMOTT        Edward          2y Convicts Child   1818 son of William & Mary nee Knight    
03/11/1817 SPS JENKINS        Henry          30y Convict          1817 Morley                              
31/12/1817 SPS JENKINS        James          33y Convict          1817 Sir W Bensley                       
31/05/1814 SPS JENKINS        William        38y Emancipist       1802 Coromandel                          
30/12/1816 SPS JENKINS        William        24y Convict          1815 M Wellington                        
15/06/1820 SDH JENKINS/JINKINS  William      40y Emancipist       1802 Coromandel                          
05/09/1820 SJP JENKINSON      Mary           41y Emancipist       1806 William Pitt                        
09/03/1811 SPS JENKS          William        40y Convict          1799 Hillsborough                        
28/02/1818 SPS JENNINGS       Francis         9m Soldiers Child   1817 Larkins                             
22/03/1811 SPS JENNINGS       Samuel         22y Convict          1808 Admiral Gambier                     
02/06/1814 SPS JENNINGS       Thomas         55y Emancipist       1792 Royal Admiral                       
22/02/1811 SPS JEWELL         Simeon         45y Convict          1810 Indian                              
  /  /1817     JILLET         Thomas          1y Convict Infant   1817 son of Robert & Elizabeth -     
19/01/1814 SDH JINKS/JENKS    John           54y Emancipist       1791 Matilda                             
29/11/1811 SPS JOHNSON        Catharine      42y Emancipist       1791 Mary Ann       
14/02/1814 SPS JOHNSON        Charlotte      11m Child            1813 dau of John & Mary nee Moore
10/01/1813 SPS JOHNSON        Eliza          15m Child            1811 dau of George & Charlotte Roskinsky
19/03/1814 SMW JOHNSON        Jane           65y Convict          1792 Pitt           
27/12/1815 SDH JOHNSON        John           27y Emancipist       1801 E Cornwallis                        
  /  /1812     JOHNSON        John            1y Convict Infant   1811 son of John & Mary nee Moore      
08/12/1813 SPS JOHNSON        John           28y Seaman           1813 Earl Spencer                        
03/06/1819 SPS JOHNSON        John           45y Convict          1816 Mariner                             
23/12/1820 SPR JOHNSON        John           26y Convict          1815 Baring                              
17/01/1815 SPS JOHNSON        Lydia          45y Free                                                      
19/10/1819 SPS JOHNSON        Robert         47y Convict          1814 General Hewitt                      
13/12/1818 SDH JOHNSON        Thomas         33y Priva' 48thReg   1818                
19/04/1811 SPS JOHNSON        William        44y Convict          1791 Albermarle                          
21/08/1820 SPS JOHNSTON       Abraham        25y Convict          1817 Larkens                             
19/02/1820     JOHNSTON       George         30y Free Man         1790 son of George & Esther Abrahams     
23/03/1811 SPS JOHNSTON       John           24y Priva' 73rdReg   1809                                     
29/11/1813 SMW JOHNSTON       Michael        45y Emancipist       1791 Matilda        
30/10/1817 SPS JOHNSTON       William        30y Convict          1817 Lord Eldon                          
07/11/1815 SJP JONES          -                  Infant           1815                                     
19/09/1820 SLL JONES          Ann            45y Free                                 
22/04/1820 SPS JONES          Edward         52y Convict          1817 Shipley                             
10/05/1816 SJP JONES          George         42y Free                                                      
28/12/1814 SPR JONES          James          70y Emancipist       1790 Neptune                             
16/05/1815 SJP JONES          James              Infant           1815                                     
23/05/1818 SDH JONES          John           49y                                                           
15/09/1818 SDH JONES          John           27y Convict          1818 L Castlereagh                       
18/03/1816 SJP JONES          John           43y Free                                                      
06/02/1811 SPS JONES          John           32y Emancipist       1804 Coromandel                          
25/11/1811 SPS JONES          John           52y Convict          1800 Royal Admiral  
14/11/1813 SPS JONES          John           43y Convict          1803 HMS Glatton    
27/02/1817 SPS JONES          John            9m Infant           1816                                     
05/02/1819 SPS JONES          John           54y Convict          1815 M Wellington                        
11/04/1811 SDH JONES          Luke           41y Convict          1807 Duke Portland                       
18/10/1817 SPS JONES          Mark           50y Convict          1810 Indian                              
03/09/1817 SPS JONES          Martha         53y Emancipist       1788 Lady Penrhyn                        
15/11/1820 SMW JONES          Mary           48y Settlers Wife    1801 Nile           
13/04/1819 SLL JONES          Mary Ann       14m Child            1818 dau of Stephen & Matilda Calcutt 
20/01/1818 SPR JONES          Morgan         40y Convict          1802 Coromandel                          
29/09/1820 SJP JONES          Richard        48y Free                                                      
29/11/1813 SPS JONES          Richard        65y Emancipist       1802 Coromandel     
10/08/1818 SPS JONES          Robert         57y Emancipist       1791 Active                              
07/06/1817 SPS JONES          Roger          39y Convict          1810 Anne                                
26/12/1814 SDH JONES          Sarah          67y Emancipist       1790 Lady Juliana                        
29/04/1815 SMW JONES          Susannah       37y Emancipist       1809 Aeolus         
22/12/1817 SPR JONES          Thomas         55y Convict          1810 Indian                              
21/11/1817 SLL JONES          Thomas         48y Free Man         1791 Matilda        
08/08/1820 SDH JONES          Thomas         26y Convict          1815 Indefatigable                       
18/06/1815 SLL JONES          William        35y Convict                              
09/04/1818 SPS JONES          William         1y Child            1817 son of Richard & Jane nee Humphries
09/01/1820 SDH JONES          William        40y                                                           
07/06/1819 SDH JOSEPH         James           6m Infant           1819 son of James & Mary nee Free
13/03/1814 SPS JOSEPHS        William        20m Child            1812                                     
27/06/1818 SDH JOY            William        23y Convict          1818 L Castlereagh                       
25/03/1818 SMW JOYCE          Thomas         50y Emancipist       1791 Albermarle     
29/09/1819 SPS JUBB           Mary           46y Emancipist       1810 Canada         

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