Burial-------- Family-------- Christian----- Age Status---------- Arrival----------------------------------
Date    Church Name           Name                                Year Ship
18/10/1808 SDH MACK           Mary           27y Convict                                                    
27/04/1802 SPS MAHER          Jane               Convict          1797 'Britiania'                           
31/12/1810 NI  MAHER          William                                   murdered by Private John Shea   SG  
23/04/1807 SPS MAKEPEACE      Jane                                                                          
10/08/1806 SPS MANCHESTER     John               Sailor                                                     
24/03/1809 SDH MANDER         Robert         24y                                                            
25/08/1810 SPS MANDERVILLE    Elizabeth      76y Convict          1809 'Aeolus'                                        
05/10/1806 SPS MANN           Elizabeth      17y Convicts Child   1789 John & Mary Flynn                    
10/10/1810 SPS MANN           James          45y Convict          1788 'Scarborough'                        
09/09/1806 SPS MANNING        Margaret           Convicts Infant  1806 John & Margaret Llewellyn            
28/08/1804 SPS MANNING        Roger              Infant                                                     
14/04/1806 SPS MARLBOURN      Elizabeth          Infant                                                     
04/09/1809 SJP MARR           Daniel         80y                                                            
04/01/1802 NI  MARSDEN        Catherine          Soldiers Child   1801 Samuel & Ann nee Hutchinson          
02/09/1801 SJP MARSDEN        Charles Simeon  3y Chaplains Child  1798 Rev. Samuel & Elizabeth nee Fristan  
16/08/1803 SJP MARSDEN        John          1y8m Chaplains Child  1801 Rev. Samuel & Elizabeth nee Fristan  SG
05/10/1804 NI  MARSDEN        Joseph          5y Soldiers Child   1799 Samuel & Ann Harmsworth              
19/10/1804 SDH MARSHALL       George         40y Convict          1803 'HMS Calcutta'                       
12/02/1806 SJP MARTIN         Ann Mrs            Emancipist       1790 'Neptune'                            
26/02/1810 SPS MARTIN         James          21y Convict          1803 'Rolla'                              
15/06/1806 SJP MARTIN         Mary            1d Convicts Infant  1806 John & Mary Allen                    
24/02/1810 SPS MARTIN         Samuel         50y Sailor           1809 'HMS Hindostan'                       
05/12/1809 SPS MASON          Alexander       8m Soldiers Infant  1809 Alexander & Hannah Simpson           
12/04/1809     MASON          Sarah Mrs      41y Emancipist       1790 'Neptune' - ux William nee Woolley : crushed by cartwheel
26/10/1806 EX  MASON          William            Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis' hung               
01/12/1806 SPS MATTHEWS       George         46y Convict          1798 'Barwell'                            
29/05/1803 NI  MAUNDRELL      John               NSWCorps Ensign  1800 'Friendship'                         
21/11/1809 SPS MAXAM          Jesse           5w Convicts Infant  1809 Thomas & Mary nee McNally            
16/11/1808     MAY            Christopher     3y Convicts Child   1805 Lawrence & Elizabeth Dowling - Green Hills
25/01/1805 SJP MAY            Martha          6y Convicts Child   1799 Lawrence & Elizabeth Dowling         
17/11/1808 SDH MAYBERRY       Joseph         47y Convict          1798 'Barwell'                            
08/10/1802 SPS MAYO           John               Convicts Infant  1802 John & Mary Weldon                   
27/03/1804 SPS MEADES         Edward             Merchant         1802 'Hercules'                       SG  
01/04/1808 SJP MEALMAKER      George         40y Convict          1800 'Royal Admiral'                      
16/07/1802 SJP MEILLY         John               Convict          1801 'Anne'                               
09/05/1809 SPS MELLON         Jane            1m Convicts Infant  1809 Edward & Mary Smith                  
24/11/1808 SPS MELVILLE       Elizabeth          Convicts Infant  1808 Robert & Elizabeth Craig             
19/02/1808 SJP MERCHANT       George             Emancipist       1791 'Active'                             
01/06/1805 NI  MEREDITH       Ann            35y Emancipist       1790 'Neptune'                            
19/05/1806 SPS MEREDITH       Elizabeth          Infant                                                     
05/03/1802 NI  MEREDITH       Thomas             NSWCorps Private 1791 Third Fleet                          
08/11/1804 SDH MERRIDAN       Richard        50y Convict          1803 'HMS Calcutta'                       
13/08/1802 SPS MERRICK        John               NSWCorps Private 1791 Third Fleet                          
29/06/1806 SPS MESSENGER      George             Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                        
26/06/1810 SJP METCALF        John           50y Emancipist       1790 'Neptune'                            
07/01/1808 SPS METCALF        Priscilla          Convict          1806 'William Pitt'                       
10/08/1810     MEURANT        Elvira          6y Convicts Child   1804 Ferdinand & Mary Pritchard - Sydney  
13/08/1802 SPS MILCAKY        James              Convict          1802                                      
05/10/1805 SPS MILEHAM        Elizabeth          Officials Infant      James & Elizabeth Price              
11/03/1803 SPS MILEHAM        Thomas             Officials Infant      James & Elizabeth Price          SG 
20/07/1802 SPS MILIN          Ann                Infant                              drowned                
21/02/1804 SPS MILLER         James              Convict          1801 'Anne'                               
09/10/1810 SPS MINTZ          Margaret       53y Convict          1800 'Speedy'                             
30/03/1802 SPS MISSING        John               NSWCorps Private                                           
12/09/1805 SPS MITCHELL       Elizabeth       7m Convicts Child   1805 William & Mary Doyle                 
26/11/1806 SPS MITCHELL       George          2y Child            1804                                      
23/12/1801 SPS MITCHELL       James                                                                         
09/04/1803 NI  MITCHELL       William            Emancipist       1791 'Salamander'                         
  /  /1803     MITTEN         Mary            1y Convicts Infant  1802 John & Catherine Lahey - Parramatta  
19/01/1803 SJP MOCKELROY      Michael            Convict          1801 'Anne'                               
09/03/1808 SPS MOLLINEAUX     Stephen            Convict          1802                                      
08/12/1810 SMW MOONEY         Daniel         26y 73rdReg Private  1809                                      
04/09/1801 NI  MOORE          Anne               Convicts Infant       - & Hannah Moore                     
03/09/1807 SPS MOORE          John                                                                          
22/05/1808 SJP MOORE          John                                                                          
19/08/1809 SPS MOORE          Tristram        7m Convicts Infant  1809 Tristram & Catherine Johnson         
15/02/1804 SG  MORETON        Ann Mrs            Convict          1798 'Britannia' - The Rocks : ux John nee -
30/08/1808 EX  MORETON        Joseph             Convict          1798 'Barwell'                            
27/08/1808 SPS MORETON        William                                                                       
14/04/1806 SPS MOREY          John               Convict          1799 'Hillsborough'                       
22/05/1808 SJP MOREY          Maria Jane         Convicts Infant  1808 William & Ann Inman                                          
31/03/1807 SPS MOREY          William            Convicts Infant  1807 William & Ann Inman                  
26/10/1807 SPS MORGAN         Ann                                                                           
23/02/1807 SPS MORGAN         George             Convict          1798 'Barwell'                            
29/05/1805 NI  MORGAN         Mary               Convicts Child        Richard & Catherine Clarke           
07/10/1801 SPS MORGAN         Rose           48y Emancipist       1793 'Sugar Cane'                         
07/11/1808 SPS MORGAN         William            NSWCorps Private 1793                                      
22/05/1808 SJP MORLEY         Elizabeth       6y Convicts Child   1802 Joseph & Ann nee Yates               
12/07/1801 SPS MORLEY         Jane            2m Convicts Infant  1801 Joseph & Ann nee Yates               
16/02/1808 SJP MORRICE        John           65y Convict          1802 'Atlas'                              
30/04/1802 SPS MORRIS         Ann           1y8m Soldiers Child   1800 James & Elizabeth Watts              
28/12/1803 SPS MORRIS         Elizabeth       1y Soldiers Child   1802 James & Elizabeth Watts              
08/04/1806 SPS MORRIS         Henry                                                                         
  /  /1806     MORRIS         John Chapman   53y Convict          1791 'HMS Gorgon'                         
01/07/1806 SPS MORRIS         Richard        40y Emancipist       1798 'Barwell'                            
18/04/1810 SPS MORRISON       Ann             1y Soldiers Child   1809 George & Mary nee -                  
14/05/1805 SPS MORT           Mary               Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                        
02/06/1802 SPS MOSELY         Peggy              Black Woman                                                
14/01/1810 SDH MOULTON        William        55y Free Man         1788 First Fleet                          
13/11/1807 SPS MOZELY         Sampson            Convict          1804 'Coromandel'                         
14/06/1806 SPS MUIRHEAD       John               Sailor                                                     
04/03/1807 SJP MULVEY         John           23y Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                    
02/07/1806 SPS MURPHY         Henry          48y Emancipist       1793 'Boddingtons'                        
21/05/1804 NI  MURPHY         James          61y Emancipist       1788 'Friendship'                         
26/10/1806 EX  MURPHY         John               Convict          1804 'Coromandel'                         
26/07/1808 SJP MURPHY         Peter              Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                        
09/02/1803 SJP MURPHY         William        17y Convict          1800 'Minerva'                            
15/05/1803 SPS MURPHY         William            Convict          1801 'Anne'                               
25/10/1801 NI  MURRAY         Bryan              Convict          1800 'Friendship'                         
18/10/1806 SJP MURRAY         John           40y Convict          1796 'Marquis Cornwalllis'                
29/11/1801 M02 MURRAY         Owen           25y Convict          1798 'Barwell'                            

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