Burial-------- Family-------- Christian----- Age Status---------- Arrival----------------------------------
Date    Church Name           Name                                Year Ship
10/02/1808 SPS McALLISTER     Jane               Convicts Infant  1808 Robert & Elizabeth Voller            
26/12/1806 SPS McALLISTER     Samuel          1y Convicts Child   1805 Robert & Elizabeth Voller                         
03/09/1808 SPS McAVOY         Hugh               Convicts Infant  1808 Hugh & Mary Babbage                  
10/07/1805 SPS McAVOY         John               Emancipist       1797 'Britannia'                          
17/03/1810 SPS McBRIDE        Mary Ann      1y8m Soldiers Child   1809 'HMS Dromedary/Hindostan'                         
28/06/1802 SPS McCAFFREY      Daniel             Convict          1802 'Hercules'                           
21/10/1806     McCANN         Peter          38y Convict          1800 'Minerva' - Rickerby's Creek : drowned
03/07/1802 SPS McCARTER       William                                                                       
23/02/1810 SPS McCARTY        Catharine      35y Emancipist       1797 'Britannia'                          
04/03/1806 SJP McCARTY        Elizabeth      18m Child            1804                                      
09/07/1803 NI  McCARTY        James              Emancipist       1793 'Boddingtons'                        
16/03/1806 SPS McCARTY        Lawrence                                                                      
15/11/1803 PPD McCARTY        Michael            Seaman RN        1803 'HMS Calcutta'                       
10/06/1801 NI  McCLOUD        William            Convicts Infant       John & Mary Potter                   
20/12/1808 SPS McCORMICK      Hugh               NSWCorps Private 1808 'Recovery'                           
15/03/1809 SPS McCOY/McKAY    Daniel          3y Convicts Child   1806 Daniel & Judith Quinlan              
30/07/1810 SPS McCRANER       James          40y Emancipist       1803 'HMS Glatton'                        
01/02/1810 SPS McCRAW         Donald         13y 73rdReg Drummer  1809                                      
05/08/1806     McCREALY       William            NSWCorps Private 1806 'Fortune'                            
23/09/1807 SPS McCROWRY       Philip                                                                        
23/05/1806 EX  McDERMOTT      Patrick            Convict          1802 'Atlas'                              
21/12/1803 SPS McDONALD       Helen Mrs          Free Woman                                                 
06/01/1810 SPS McDONALD       John           23y 73rdReg Private  1809                                      
04/02/1809 SPS McDONALD       Sarah Mrs          Emancipist       1792 'Royal Admiral'                      
19/09/1802 SPS McDONALD       William            Convict          1801 'Anne'                               
29/04/1804 SPS McDONALD       William            NSWCorps Private 1790 Second Fleet                         
28/12/1810 SPS McDONNACK      Matthew        58y Emancipist       1796 'Marquis Cornwallis'                        
11/11/1810 SPS McDOUGALL      Elizabeth     2y5m Child            1808                                      
26/02/1807 SPS McENOUGH       Mary           27y Convict          1802 'Hercules'                           
01/10/1806 SPS McGARY         Mary Ann                                                                      
12/08/1806 SPS McGEARY        Neal               Convict          1802 'Hercules'                           
07/02/1810 SPS McGINNIS       Joseph         30y                                                            
01/05/1803 SJP McGRATH        Thomas             Convict          1800 'Royal Admiral'                      
03/08/1802 SPS McGUIGIN       James                                                                         
22/08/1807 SJP McGUIRE        Edward         50y Convict          1797 'Britannia'                          
20/06/1809 SPS McGUIRE        Elizabeth          Infant                                                     
20/02/1808 SDH McGUIRE        Peter           1y Convicts Child   1807 Peter & Catherine nee Lemmon         
09/10/1803 EX  McLAUGHLAN     Thomas             Convict          1802 'Hercules'                           
21/07/1810 SJP McLUCAS        George        3y6m Convicts Child   1807 Daniel & Abigail Johnson             
28/02/1806 SJP McMAHON        Barnabas        2y Child            1804                                      
05/09/1803 SPS McMANNING      Mary                                                                          
08/09/1801 SPS McMAHON        Terrance           NSWCorps Private 1800 'Minerva'                            
08/07/1802 SPS McNALLY        Patrick            Convict          1802 'Hercules'                           
01/08/1807 SPS McNAMARA       Francis                                                                       
12/01/1803 SJP McNAUGHTON     Alexander          Convict          1802 'Atlas'                              
18/06/1808 EX  McNEAL         John               Convict          1806 'Fortune'                            

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