Burial-------- Family-------- Christian----- Age Status---------- Arrival----------------------------------
Date    Church Name           Name                                Year Ship
01/07/1819 SPS RADDON         Robert         80y Emancipist       1803 Rollo                               
04/01/1818 SPS RADLEY         George         23m Child            1816 son of John & Sarah Searle   
14/06/1814 SPS RAFFERTY       Hugh           25y Priva' 73rdReg   1809                                     
10/03/1817 SPS RAGAN          Lydia          29y Free                                                      
20/01/1813 SMW RALPH          Mary           36y Came Free        1801 Minorca        
13/11/1818 SPS RAMSAY         Mary Ann       29y Convict          1816 Mary Ann                            
09/02/1813 SJP RAMSEY         Mary           41y Emancipist       1790 Neptune                             
22/05/1814 SMW RAND           Mary Ann       34y Emancipist       1798 Britannia      
16/08/1817 SJP RANSON         William        24y Convict          1813 Earl Spencer                        
27/02/1811 EX  RATTY          James              Convict          1807 Duke Portland                       
07/11/1815 SJP RAYNER         -                  Infant           1815                                     
31/07/1816 SPS RAYNER/LOVERIDGE  Prudence    18y Colonial Born    1798 dau of William & Priscilla Lovegrove
30/12/1820 SJP READ           John           10w Infant           1820                                     
01/08/1815 SPS READ           John           50y Convict          1797 Britannia                           
10/11/1817 SLL READY          William        25y Convict          1817 Chapman        
07/02/1815 SPS REARDON        John           50y Free                                                      
02/03/1814 SMW REARDON        William        50y Emancipist       1800 Friendship     
09/10/1816 SPS REDDINGTON     John           39y Emancipist       1800 Minerva                             
02/05/1820 SPS REDFERN        Joseph         58y Emancipist       1790 Surprise                            
13/12/1820 SPS REDGRAVE       James           5y Child            1815                                     
13/05/1813 SPS REDMAN         William        43y Condi'pardoned   1800 Minerva        
04/01/1820 SJP REED           Elizabeth      45y Convict          1818 Elizabeth                           
23/04/1817 SPS REED           George         45y Convict          1808 Admiral Gambier                     
31/10/1813 SPS REED           Robert         50y Came Free        1802 Atlas I        
26/04/1812 SDH REED           Stephen        28y Priva' 73rdReg   1809                                     
07/04/1811 SPS REIBEY         Thomas         42y Came Free        1791 Britannia      
07/08/1820 SJL REIBEY         Thomas          2d Infant           1820 son of Thomas & Ricarda nee Allen
23/10/1820 SPS REID           John           26y Convict          1818 General Stewart                     
28/02/1820 SPS RENNETT        Susannah       60y Convict          1809 Aeolus                              
31/01/1811 SJP RENSHAW        Margaret       53y Convict          1801 E Cornwallis                        
05/11/1816 SDH REPEAT/DE-PEET Charles        56y Emancipist       1788 Alexander                           
11/03/1811 SPS REYNOLDS       Edward          4m Convicts Child   1810 son of Christopher & Susannah nee -
19/02/1818 SMW REYNOLDS       Edward         60y Emancipist       1800 Royal Admiral  
27/05/1815 SPS REYNOLDS       John           11d Infant           1815                                     
17/03/1815 SPS REYNOLDS       Mary           30y Convict          1813 A Charles                           
25/10/1818 SDH REYNOLDS       Mary           33y Convict          1817 Canada                              
15/02/1818 SMW REYNOLDS       Thomas         18y Adolescent       1801 son of Richard & Sarah Sterling
18/10/1820 SPS RICE/PRICE     Elizabeth       1d Infant           1820 dau of Thomas & Mary nee -
16/03/1813 SPS RICHARDS       James          14d Infant           1813 son of William & Mary nee Carroll
31/03/1820 SMW RICHARDS(ON)   Richard        57y Came Free        1788 HMS Supply     
04/02/1816 SMW RICHARDSON     Anthony        43y Emancipist       1790 Surprize       
04/07/1818 SDH RICHARDSON     John           40y Convict          1818 L Castlereagh                       
17/05/1818 SMW RICKERLY       Thomas         67y Emancipist       1791 William & Ann  
29/05/1817 SDH RIDDLE         Bridget        46y Convict          1816 Alexander                           
28/04/1818 SMW RILEY          Ann            27y Convict          1791 Mary Ann       
30/09/1816 SPS RILEY          James          50y Convict          1797 Britannia                           
04/12/1818 SMW RILEY          James          54y Convict          1800 Friendship     
01/12/1816 SLL RILEY          Jane           10w Child            1816 dau Thomas & Catherine nee McDonald 
21/10/1814 SLL RILEY          Margaret       33y Emancipist       1807 Sydney Cove    
14/05/1812 SPS RILEY          Michael        44y Emancipist       1796 M Cornwallis   
19/02/1811 SMW RILEY          Rose           42y Convict          1806 William Pitt   
15/07/1814 SJP RILEY          Silvester      30y Convict          1814 Three Bees                          
01/12/1818 SMW RILEY          William        23y Convict          1818 Morley         
09/02/1818 SPS RIMMER         William        25y Convict          1813 Archduke Charles                    
03/04/1820 SDH RIORDIN/RAIRDIN  William      35y Convict          1817 Almorah                             
18/03/1814 SPS RIVELL         Michael        34y Convict          1811 Providence     
07/04/1811 SMW RIXON          James          36y Emancipist       1798 Barwell        
03/09/1820 SPS ROACH          Gerard         35y Convict          1819 Minerva                             
05/01/1820 SPS ROACH          John            4y Child            1815 son of David & Hannah nee -
28/07/1814 SPS ROACH          Solomon        30y Convict          1814 General Hewitt                      
28/11/1820 SDH ROADKNIGHT     Thomas         70y                                                           
08/09/1820 SJP ROBERTS        Charlotte      14d Infant           1820                                     
14/09/1820 SDH ROBERTS        James          40y Convict          1803 HMS Calcutta                        
04/03/1819 SDH ROBERTS        John           28y Convict          1818 L Castlereagh                       
05/12/1820 SPS ROBERTS        John            3y Child            1817                                     
20/02/1811 SJP ROBERTS        Mary            9w Convicts Child   1810 dau of William & Elizabeth Griffiths
  /  /1815     ROBERTS        Thomas                                                                       
16/02/1820 SMW ROBERTS        William        65y Emancipist       1788 Scarborough    
15/09/1819 SPS ROBERTS        William        65y Emancipist       1790 Neptune                             
23/08/1818 SPS ROBERTSON      Elizabeth      40y Convict          1816 Mary Ann                            
27/02/1816 SPS ROBERTSON      Francis        36y Convict          1816 Fanny                               
12/03/1816 SPS ROBERTSON      Thomas         24y Priva' 46thReg   1814                                     
16/12/1812 SJP ROBINS         Elizabeth      40y Emancipist       1796 Indispensible                       
13/04/1812 SPS ROBINS         Joseph         53y Emancipist       1803 HMS Glatton    
06/05/1820 SPS ROBINS         Samuel         28y Priva' 48thReg   1817                                     
21/12/1818 SMW ROBINSON       Agnes/Ann      87y Emancipist       1807 Sydney Cove    
30/09/1811 SPS ROBINSON       David          44y Convict          1806 Alexander      
10/06/1820 SPS ROBINSON       Edward         67y Absol'Pardoned   1791 Ad Barrington                       
09/05/1816 SJP ROBINSON       Elizabeth      33y Convict          1815 Northampton                         
26/05/1816 SPS ROBINSON       Elizabeth       5w Infant           1816 dau of James & Mary nee -
10/10/1813 SPS ROBINSON       Isabella       42y Absol'Pardoned   1796 Indispensible  
10/04/1814 SMW ROBINSON       James          45y Emancipist       1791 Albermarle     
02/11/1813 SPS ROBINSON       John            2w Infant           1813                                     
27/12/1815 SPS ROBINSON       John           18y Convict          1815 Baring                              
17/11/1817 SPS ROBINSON       John            3m Infant           1817 son of Richard & Hannah nee Chowne
13/12/1817 SPS ROBINSON       John           30y Convict          1817 Larkens                             
23/01/1820 CCC ROBINSON       John            4y Child            1816                                     
22/03/1813 SPS ROBINSON       Mary           33y Emancipist       1796 Indispensible  
21/02/1815 SPS ROBINSON       Mary            6w Infant           1815 dau of John & Mary nee -
18/12/1817 SMW ROBINSON/ROBERTSON  Richard   10m Infant           1817 son of Robert & Mary nee -
15/03/1813 SPS ROBINSON       Thomas         35y Convict          1812 Guildford      
03/12/1817 SPS ROBINSON       Thomas         45y Convict          1815 Baring                              
31/12/1814 SPS ROBINSON       William         3d Infant           1814 son of James & Margaret nee -
03/01/1820 SPS ROBINSON       William         4m Infant           1819 son of William & Rosanna nee Uden
07/02/1816 SPS ROCHELLY       Sarah          25y Convict          1816 Mary Ann                            
13/08/1815 SPS RODDY          Elizabeth      35y Convict          1814 Wanstead                            
22/12/1815 SDH ROGERS         John           32y Emancipist       1800 Minerva                             
18/09/1817 SPS ROGERS         John           40y Convict          1814 Three Bees                          
09/12/1820 SPS ROGERS         Meshek         21y Convict          1820 Earl St Vincent                     
12/10/1812 SPS ROGERS         Sarah          54y Emancipist       1790 Lady Juliana   
04/09/1818 SMW ROLFE          Michael        63y Emancipist       1793 Boddingtons    
16/09/1820 SMW ROLLISON       Elizabeth      45y Emancipist                           
14/11/1820 SPS ROLLO          J W            42y Free                                                      
16/03/1811 SPS ROOME          Richard        50y Priva' 73rdReg   1809                                     
05/02/1820 SPS ROONEY         Honora         47y Convict          1815 Francis & Eliza                     
16/07/1812 SMW ROSE           Jane            3w Infant           1812 dau of Thomas & Ann Yeoman 
24/11/1815 SMW ROSE           Mary Ann        2m Infant           1815 dau of Thomas & Ann Yeoman 
17/12/1813 SMW ROSE           Sarah           5m Infant           1813 dau of Thomas & Ann Yeoman
17/11/1813 SPS ROSIER         Robert/Richard 50y Convict          1813 Earl Spencer   
25/09/1816 SJP ROUSE          Catharine      21y Convict          1812 Minstrel                            
04/08/1811 SMW ROUSE          Elizabeth       3w Infant           1811 dau of Richard & Mary nee Adams
29/05/1814 SMW ROWBOTTOM      Isaac          53y Emancipist       1803 HMS Glatton    
08/03/1820 SPS ROWCROFT       Peter          36y Convict          1819 Malabar                             
27/08/1811 SJP ROWE/ROE       Mary           53y Emancipist       1791 Mary Ann                            
19/12/1820 SPS ROWLANDS/ROLLANDS  William    24y Convict          1816 Fanny                               
05/09/1813 SMW RUFFLER        John           63y Emancipist       1788 Scarborough    
19/10/1817 SDH RUSE/ROWLES    Charles        27y Convict          1810 Anne                                
07/06/1813 SPS RUSSELL        George         53y Convict          1802 Atlas II       
31/10/1819 SJP RUSSELL        Jane           32y Convict          1818 Ocean                               
15/03/1820 SPS RUSSELL        John           42y Convict          1802 Coromandel                          
12/10/1820 SMW RUSSELL        Philip         62y Emancipist       1797 Britannia      
27/12/1813 SPS RUSSELL        William        50y Convict          1800 Friendship     
30/11/1813 SPS RUTHERFORD     Thomas         48y Private VetCo    1808 Admiral Gambier                     
02/01/1813 SJP RUTTER         William        47y Came Free        1807 Brothers                            
02/05/1820 SPS RYAN           Dennis         68y Convict          1802 Atlas 2                             
15/09/1813 SPS RYAN           Edward         44y Emancipist       1797 Britannia      
23/07/1819 SPS RYAN           Edward         66y Convict          1812 Guildford                           
01/09/1820 SPS RYAN           Esther         60y Emancipist       1803 Rollo                               
21/08/1813 SPS RYAN           George         37y Free             ???? Elizabeth & Mary Dublin Ireland     
02/03/1815 SJP RYAN           John           57y Emancipist       1790 Neptune        
29/02/1816 SPS RYAN           John            5y Child            1811                                     
28/09/1816 SPS RYAN           John           35y Free                                                      
05/04/1818 SPS RYAN           John           70y Free                                                      
02/03/1816 SJP RYAN           Michael        50y Convict          1802 Atlas II                            
02/06/1820 CCC RYAN           Patrick        29y Convict          1818 Guildford                           
28/12/1818 SPS RYAN           Thomas         27y Convict          1818 Glory                               
30/11/1817 SMW RYAN           Timothy        61y Emancipist       1794 Surprise       

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