There  was  one very strange discovery in the  "New  South  Wales Pioneer  Index  : 
1788-1888" database and that was a  listing  of eleven  'baptisms' for the Hebrew 
denomination. There is no  such thing  as  baptism  in the Jewish religion  so  
just  what  these records  refer  to  is  a  mystery.  Unfortunately  the  relevant 
'church'  register  from which they were recorded  has  not  been located on 
the National Libraries microfilms, so information such as the actual date of 
the 'ceremony' and the person who performed it has not been found.
The  information recorded for each child is exactly as  described for the pre 
1826 presentation of St Phillips Sydney in List 3.
The list is presented in reference number order.
The eleven 'ceremonies' were all recorded in Sydney.
Contact with the Australian Jewish Historical Society has  helped to  clarify  
the situation. The ceremonies  being  recorded  were circumcisions for boys and 
namings for girls. For  administrative and  bureaucratic 'efficiency' the 
colonial authorities were  all lumped with the Christian baptisms.
The  Society  was  able to provide some dates  for  five  of  the ceremonies.
The  reference  number would direct the reader  to  the  relevant entry in the 
original source document. 
Entries on this list have the reference identifier "HEBR" on List 1.  To  locate  
an entry on this list;  firstly  an  alphabetical search on the name would be 
made on List 1 from which the date of baptism would be retrieved, secondly using 
the appropriate  date, the  baptism  would  be  located on  this  list  and  finally  
an alphabetical  search on the name would be made on  the  baptismal date if 
there should be more than one entry for that date. 

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