There were 663 baptisms recorded at St Davids during this decade, 
meaning on average there was a little over one baptism each week. Of 
this number 21 baptisms refer to children born prior to 1811. 
The information recorded and presented for each child is  exactly as 
described for St Phillips in List 3.
The  list is presented in chronological order by date of  baptism then 
alphabetically by father's surname. 
With  regard to the fathers, identities of 82% have  been  found. The 
names of 78 fathers were not recorded and the arrival details of a 
further 52 remain unknown.
With  regard to the mothers, identities of 83% have  been  found. The 
names of 13 mothers were not recorded and the arrival details of a 
further 111 remain unknown.
There  were  nine duplicate entries on the  register  during  the period  
under study reducing the total of individual baptisms  to 654. All 
duplications were performed at St Davids. Frederick Hull was baptized 
three times, twice at St Davids and once at St Johns Launceston.
Most children were baptized soon after birth but there were fifty five 
who were later baptisms, the last being for Thomas Taylor in 1850 at 
the age of thirty nine. The only problem is to  determine if their 
birth took place in the colony or not.
Where the father's surname has a second name separated by a slash '/', 
the surname after the slash is how the name was spelt in the original 
document or if second name is substantially different it refers to 
an alias. Where the mother's surname has a second  name separated by 
a slash, the surname after the slash is her  married name  at the time 
of the recording being made if she was  married more than once. 
The  reference  number would direct the reader  to  the  relevant entry 
in the original source document.
The  register did not record the date of birth until 1814  so  it has  
been assumed, not unreasonably in most cases, that the  year of baptism 
roughly corresponds to the year of birth. The  several children  with 
an exact date of birth recorded before  1814  were derived from other 
Mary  Dotman  claims  to have been born at  Isle  de  France  and 
Frederick  Hyde in India. Donald McLeod was born at sea on  board 
'Skelton'.  John  Oswell  and  Edward  Williamson  were  born  at 
Parramatta and Jane Thomas and Joseph Wright were born at  Sydney 
before moving to Van Diemens Land
The  list contains twenty baptisms of native children.
The reference numbers are often not in strict numerical sequence. 
Numbers  175  to 218 and 346 to 389 and 776 to 786  are  actually used  
by St Johns Launcestion (no doubt reflecting Rev  Knopwoods visit  to  
the northern settlement in 1811 and  1814).  For  some reason numbers 
738 and 850 are not used.
It  should  be  noted that the list  contains  considerably  more 
information  than will be found in the original church  register, being 
the result of decades of research,  principally  associated with  the  
Pioneer Register Project. Many entries in  the  church register  list  
just  the  date of  baptism  and  parents  names, sometimes only the 
mother's name if the birth was illegitimate.
Entries on this list have the reference identifier "SDH" on  List 1.  
To  locate  an entry on this list;  firstly  an  alphabetical search 
on the name would be made on List 1 from which the date of baptism 
would be retrieved, secondly using the appropriate  date, the  baptism  
would  be  located on  this  list  and  finally  an alphabetical  search 
on the name would be made on  the  baptismal date if there should be 
more than one entry for that date. 

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