Dr C J Smee's Early Colonial Australian  1788 - 1830 Database is now on-line here at FFF.


Dr CJ Smee has generously donated his Early Australian Colonial Database files to the Fellowship. Many are familiar with the many books that he has produced over four decades, which have contributed so much to Australian family history researchers.  

Dr Smee's database can be accessed from this page, which is a portal to Dr Smee's 1788 - 1830 files, in excess of 900. These can be accessed via the Dr CJ Smee Database "Home page".

The Dr CJ Smee Database covers births, marriages and deaths over four periods of the Early Australian Colonial era:

  1. 1788 - 1800 - upload of database files completed

  2. 1801 - 1810 - upload of database files completed 

  3. 1811 - 1820 - upload of database files completed

  4. 1821 - 1830 - upload of database files completed

There are also files for 1831 - 1840 - however this research is still in progress  upload of database files not yet commenced.

Dr Smee has used a number of abbreviations in his database and these can be found in the Introduction.

Dr Smee's research also answers the question that many ask: "Why can't I find a birth record for my ancestor in the Early Australian Colonial era?"  From his research, Dr Smee has determined, for instance, that in the period 1788 - 1800, only 58% of children were baptised (see Prologue). And of course, baptism was the main form of recording the "arrival" of a child prior to mandatory civil registration in 1856.


Please note that if you have any questions about the content within Dr Smee's database files, then please email Dr Smee at cjs@homemail.com.au .

Also, if you have noticed a web link not working within Dr Smee's database files, then please email the FFF Web Weaver at kcact@tpg.com.au .









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