First Fleet House

Office Address:

First Fleet House,

105 Cathedral St.


Sydney, NSW, 2011


Phone: 02 9360 3788



OFFICE HOURS Monday, Wednesday & Friday 

10.00am to 3.00pm

*Note; If visiting FF House, please

telephone beforehand and make an appointment.






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Note - to find a First Fleeter's Name in a Ships Page - insert the SURNAME and then the FIRST NAME in the search box
eg Small John








FF Members are able to visit First Fleet House by appointment in 2024 on Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

Entrance to First Fleet House will be in accordance with NSW Government Covid-19 guidelines.*



General Email enquiries can be sent to

Membership related emails can be sent to


Thank you for your understanding during the challenging times we have experienced in 2020-2023. Hopefully 2024 will be an even better year.









* What's New & Updated on the Website *


  • The JOIN page of the Fellowship of First Fleeters website has been updated as follows:

  • Our Vice Patron Retired Commodore Paul Kable has reviewed the protocols for the use of HMS vs HMAT for the "Supply". His research into Governor Arthur Phillip's Journals has confirmed that Phillip used HMAT Supply rather than HMS Supply. The main pages on this website have been updated to reflect this advice.

  • We'd like to welcome Alex Aitken, of Swan River Chapter in Western Australia, as our newest Director of the Fellowship of the First Fleeters. Alex will be looking after our First Fleeters Gravesites Plaques Portfolio.

  • Did you know that we now have 6 Directors who Do Not live in Sydney? That's 2 in Queensland, 1 in Albury, 1 in Victoria, 1 in Western Australia & 1 in Wollongong NSW - in addition to 7 from Sydney

  • Please contact First Fleet House in advance if you are planning to visit First Fleet House - see contact details in the Left Column of this Page to make a booking - note web pages on this site are being progressively updated to note this change 

  • South Coast Chapter - contact details updated

  • Latest Issue of Founders 55.3 - June - July 2024

  • First Fleet House - How Do I Get There - parking rates for Cathedral St and Domain Car Parks have been updated

  • Powerpoint for Voyage of First Fleet added 

  • Dr CJ Smee's Database Files - Colonial Australian BDM's 1788 - 1830 - uploaded to the Fellowship of First Fleeters Website




* What We're Reading* 

  • Where First Fleeters Lie - Rod Best & Joyce Cowell
  • Dispatched DownUnder - John Boyd & Ron Withington
  • The Lady Penrhyn  G. Grammeno





Copyright Fellowship of First Fleeters