Fellowship of First Fleeters

Established 19th March 2011


Perth, Western Australia and surrounds 


President: Alex Aitken #7766.1, ~ FF Associate

Vice-President: Bill Cutler #8024, ~ FF Nathanial Lucas & FF Olivia Gascoigne

Secretary: Toni Mahony #5525, ~ FF Ellen/Eleanor Fraser/Redchester

Treasurer: Lynton Symington # 7947. ~ FF Jane Langley/Thomas Chipp

Web Site: www.swanriverchapterfff.com

Web Master: Alex Aitken #7766.1, ~ FF Associate


Members of the Swan River Chapter extend an invitation for all interested persons to attend their quarterly meetings, held at various locations.


For Meetings dates and other Chapter Information, please contact

Secretary: Toni Mahony Ph (08) 9271 7630

 Or email toni.mahony@bigpond.com





First Fleet House

Office Address:

First Fleet House,

105 Cathedral St.


Sydney, NSW, 2011


Phone: 02 9360 3788

 E-mail: fffaus@optusnet.com.au


OFFICE HOURS Monday, Wednesday & Friday 

10.00am to 3.00pm

*Note; If visiting FF House to do Research, please

Telephone beforehand and make an appointment


Copyright Fellowship of First Fleeters