Marriage-- Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride---------------------------------------------------- Consent- Ref.
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Given By No.
28/06/1828 FISHER John 1813 Fortune Emancip't 46 SCHAW Julia 1807 Syd Cove Emancip't 36 Governor 0001
29/12/1828 WILMOTT Thomas 1814 G Hewitt Convict 42 ROBINSON Maria 1799 Colonial Born 29 Governor 0002
29/06/1829 PARKS Joseph DOYLE Mary Convict Governor 0003
29/06/1829 WILSON William 1811 Friends Came Free 24 LLOYD Jane 0004
29/06/1829 GARNER James 1823 Pr' Royal Convict 27 JENKINS Mary Ann 1825 Grenada Came Free 15 Parents 0005
30/09/1829 COOPER George Leonard 1818 Friends'p Came Free 19 SEWELL Jane 1815 Northam'n Came Free 17 Parents 0006
30/09/1829 LEE William 1818 Isabella Emancip't 30 SMITH Mary 1811 Colonial Born 18 Parents 0007
30/09/1829 HENNESS Francis 1820 Shipley Convict 29 ROCK Mary Ann 1810 Colonial Born 19 Parents 0008
29/03/1830 JONES William 1819 Malabar ConvictTL 30 OWEN Elizabeth 1810 Colonial Born 20 Governor 0009
29/03/1830 LOCK William 1820 Mangles Emancip't 28 FOX Eleanor 1829 LDavidson Convict 21 Governor 0010
29/03/1830 CURRAN Nicholas 1818 Guildford Emancip't 30 WILLIAMSON Mary Ann 0011
28/06/1830 CORRIGAN Hugh 1823 Isabella ConvictTL 46 WALKER/NOBLE Elizabeth 1809 Indispe'e Emancip't 50 Governor 0012
28/06/1830 DONALDSON Alexander 1822 CHarcourt Convict 26 HOLLAND Jane 1827 Grenada Came Free 18 Governor 0013
28/06/1830 SAW Thomas 1816 Mariner Emancip't 57 -/KENNY Margaret 1827 Brothers Convict 60 Governor 0014
28/06/1830 SEWELL George 1815 Northam'n Came Free 25 GANDELL Mary 1812 Colonial Born 18 Parents 0015
10/10/1830 FISHER/ John 1819 LSidmouth ConvictTL 34 -/GRIMES Catherine 1828 Competi'r Convict 27 Governor 0016
/ /1830 FREEMAN John 1817 Larkins Emancip't 48 DRISCOLL Catherine 1825 Mariner Convict 23 0017
[0017] no minister recorded
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