Burial-------- Family-------- Christian----- Age Status---------- Arrival----------------------------------
Date Church Name Name Year Ship
25/08/1805 SJP SANDALL Samuel 37y Convict 1798 'Barwell'
02/01/1809 SPS SANDLANDS Ann Mrs 52y Emancipist 1788 'Lady Penrhyn'
26/02/1802 SPS SAVAGE Nancy Convict 1797 'Britannia'
11/07/1810 SAYER Robert NSWCorps Private 1808 'Sinclair'
29/08/1807 SJP SCANDLING Brian NSWCorps Private 1806 'Fortune'
21/01/1807 SDH SCHOFIELD John 31y Convict 1803 'HMS Calcutta'
17/01/1809 SCHULTZ Henry NSWCorps Private 1808 'Recovery' - Newcastle : drowned
14/01/1809 SPS SCOTCHER William Convict 1808 'Admiral Gambier'
19/08/1810 SPS SCOTT James 60y 102ndReg Private 1790 'Neptune'
19/12/1806 SJP SCOTT John 50y
26/07/1807 SPS SCOTT Richard NSWCorps Private 1804 'Coromandel'
07/08/1808 SJP SCOTT Walter
13/07/1810 SJP SEARS Benjamin 66y
05/10/1809 SPS SEDGWICK William 45y Seaman 1809 'Springrove'
27/05/1802 SPS SELLERS Joseph Vaskin NSWCorps Private 1791 Third Fleet
27/03/1806 SPS SEMPLE Jane 36y Emancipist 1798 'Britannia'
/ /1808 PD SEYMOUR John 48y NSWCorps Private 1788 'Scarborough' - former convict
13/12/1810 SPS SHANE James 2y Child 1808
17/08/1809 SPS SHARP Joseph Emancipist 1801 'Earl Cornwallis'
22/03/1807 SPS SHELLEY Charles 4y Missionarys Child 1803 William & Elizabeth nee Bean SG
27/06/1802 SPS SHENT William 30y Convict 1799 'Hillsborough'
07/04/1806 SHEPHERD Ann Mrs 48y Emancipist 1794 'Surprise' - ux James nee Thorn : Kissing Point
24/06/1807 SPS SHEPHERD Samuel NSWCorps Private 1806 'Tellicherry'
25/10/1801 NI SHERITH Zachariah NSWCorps Private 1790 Second Fleet
29/04/1802 SPS SHERRIN John Infant
06/10/1802 SPS SHORT Elizabeth
18/08/1802 SPS SHORT John NSWCorps Private 1791 'Matilda'
08/04/1810 SPS SHORT Patrick 46y 102ndReg Private 1791 'Albermarle'
15/10/1809 SPS SIDERWAY Robert 52y Convict AP 1788 'Friendship'
26/06/1803 SPS SIMMONDS John Sailor
26/07/1808 SJP SIMON Peter
23/03/1803 EX SIMPSON Francis Convict 1802 'Atlas'
18/05/1804 SPS SIMPSON Roper Ships Master 1801 'Nautilis'
04/05/1806 SJP SIZE Anthony Convict 1800 'Friendship'
10/10/1803 SDH SKELHORN John Caryer 33y Settler 1803 'Ocean'
27/09/1810 SPS SKINNER Mary Mrs 31y Convict 1801 'Nile'
01/12/1807 SPS SKINNER Samuel Settler 1801 'Nile'
10/09/1807 SPS SKINNER William 4y Settlers Child 1803 Samuel & Mary nee Watkins
23/10/1803 SPS SLATE Thomas
17/04/1804 SJP SLATTERY Paul Convict 1802 'Atlas'
16/06/1808 SJP SLOPER James Emancipist 1791 'Active'
/ /1807 SMALLWOOD Ann Mrs 38y Emancipist 1790 'Lady Juliana' - ux Daniel nee Young
16/12/1806 EX SMITH Abraham Convict 1800 'Royal Admiral'
04/09/1803 SJP SMITH Charlotte Convict 1801 'Nile'
03/10/1803 SDH SMITH Christopher 19y Convict 1803 'HMS Calcutta'
16/01/1806 SJP SMITH George 15m Child 1804
07/07/1802 SPS SMITH James Convict
08/07/1802 SPS SMITH James Convict
15/01/1806 SPS SMITH Jane
04/12/1801 M02 SMITH John
22/12/1802 SJP SMITH John Convict
02/12/1804 SPS SMITH Joseph NSWCorps Private 1791 'Matilda'
24/09/1810 SPS SMITH Margaret 2m Convicts Infant 1810 Everett & Sarah Edwards
31/12/1802 SPS SMITH Mary Infant
05/12/1804 SJP SMITH Mary Emancipist 1792 'Royal Admiral'
12/01/1807 SJP SMITH Mary Convict
30/06/1810 SJP SMITH Mary 51y
20/08/1810 SPS SMITH Mary 5y Child 1805
10/10/1804 NI SMITH Pantony Sarah 40y Convict 1790 'Lady Juliana'
12/05/1807 SJP SMITH Samuel Emancipist 1791 'William & Ann'
21/04/1804 NI SMITH Sarah Child
20/12/1804 SPS SMITH Thomas Provost Marshall 1788 First Fleet
29/09/1807 SJP SMITH Thomas Convict 1807 'Duke of Portland'
13/03/1803 SDH SMITH Thomas Scott 23y Convict 1803 'HMS Calcutta'
06/07/1802 SJP SMITH William Emancipist 1792 'Royal Admiral'
17/11/1809 SDH SMITH William 16y
24/06/1810 SPS SNOWDEN John 42y Convict 1804 'Coromandel'
27/08/1807 SJP SOLTER John 40y
08/07/1802 SPS SOMERVILLE Ann Mrs 34y Convicts Wife 1794 'Surprise'
27/06/1808 SJP SPENCER David Emancipist 1800 'Royal Admiral'
08/05/1805 SJP SPENCER James 2y Convicts Child 1803 David & Mary Doyle
05/03/1804 SDH SPENCER Jonathan 22y Convict 1803 'HMS Calcutta'
13/06/1809 SPS SQUIRES Elizabeth Mrs Emancipist 1791 'Mary Ann'
07/10/1810 SMW STABLER Rosetta Mrs 43y Convicts Wife 1803 'HMS Glatton'
26/11/1808 SPS STACUM Thomas Convict 1797 'Britannia'
09/03/1809 SPS STAKES Elizabeth Mrs Emancipist 1790 'Neptune'
06/02/1809 SPS STAKES James Infant
21/06/1809 SDH STANFIELD Ann 6m Free Infant 1809 Daniel & Maria nee Kimberley
14/07/1805 SPS STANDLEY James
01/08/1807 SPS STANDON Frederick Convict 1807 'Duke of Portland'
16/03/1807 SPS STEPHENSON Edward Convict 1803 'HMS Glatton'
25/01/1804 SPS STEVENS James Convict 1800 'Royal Admiral'
26/02/1810 SPS STEVENS John 30y 73rdReg Private 1809
19/09/1806 SPS STEVENSON George Sailor
11/02/1808 PD STEVENSON Henry NSWCorps Private 1791 Third Fleet
11/04/1802 SPS STEVENSON Mary Infant
12/11/1806 SPS STEWART James 49y Settler 1788 'Scarborough'
30/03/1810 SPS STIMSON Mary 2y Convicts Child 1808 Matthew & Mary nee Sowden
05/03/1801 SPS STOCKDALE John 38y NSWCorps Private 1788 'Alexander'
06/08/1804 NI STOCKWELL Ann 50y Emancipist 1790 'Lady Juliana'
04/05/1803 SDH STOKER Ann Mrs 29y Convicts Wife 1803 'HMS Calcutta'
10/04/1809 SJP STOKES George Emancipist 1791 'William & Ann'
14/07/1810 EX STOKES Job Convict 1803 'HMS Calcutta'
19/05/1810 SPS STOKES Peter 33y Convict 1810 'Anne'
25/04/1805 SJP STONE Henry Convict 1802 'Atlas'
09/06/1803 SPS STORER Mary Convicts Infant Thomas & Mary Kearns
26/12/1802 SJP STOW Thomas Convict 1802
05/10/1809 SPS STRANGE William 35y Seaman 1809 'Perserverence'
02/02/1809 SPS STRATTON Jane
22/07/1809 SPS STUBBINTON John Convict 1801 'Earl Cornwallis'
27/09/1803 SPS STUBBS Sophia 3m Convicts Infant 1803 Thomas & Esther Spencer
29/05/1805 STUBBS William 38y Settler 1802 'Coromandel' - Hawkesbury : buried on property
13/03/1801 SPS SULLIVAN David Convict 1800 'Royal Admiral'
29/06/1801 SJP SULLIVAN David Convict 1801 'Anne'
01/12/1802 SJP SULLIVAN Michael Convict 1801 'Earl Cornwallis'
08/07/1802 SPS SULLY Edward Convict 1802 'Atlas'
07/11/1809 SPS SUNDERLAND John 2y Soldiers Child 1807 John & Mary nee Button
16/02/1806 SPS SWEENEY Patrick Convict 1806 'Tellicherry'
06/07/1806 SPS SWIFT William
17/04/1808 SPS SYLVIA George Sailor
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