Baptism--- Birth----- Child--------- Father------------------------------------------- Mother------------------------------------------- Parents-------- Ref.
Date Date Christian Name Family Name Christian Arrival Ship & Status Family Name Christian Arrival Ship & Status Marital Status No.
/ /1826 25/02/1826 Elizabeth JOHNSTONE William 1802 Coroman'l Child HALL Mary 1803 Colonial Born CFmBC 1819 SMW 0001
/ /1826 10/08/1826 James DAVIDSON James 1802 Coroman'l Child SUTTOR Eliza Maria 1800 Colonial Born CFmBC 1819 SJP 0002
/ /1826 17/09/1826 John GRONO William 1805 Colonial Born SMALLWOOD Hester 1805 Colonial Born BCmBC 1826 SJPT 0003
/ /1826 03/10/1826 Matilda BOOKS Alexander 1791 Active CameFree GRONO Margaret 1804 Colonial Born CFmBC 1819 SMW 0004
/ /1827 15/05/1827 Mary Smith HALL George Smith 1802 Coroma' Child GRONO Frances 1799 H Buffalo Child CFmCF 1815 SMW 0005
/ /1828 / /1828 Catharine McPHERSON John WATSON Ellen --d-- 0006
/ /1828 17/04/1828 William Hall JOHNSTONE William 1802 Coroman'l Child HALL Mary 1803 Colonial Born CFmBC 1819 SMW 0007
/ /1828 24/10/1819 William ROSE # John 1814 Somerse'e Convict HOBBS Harriot 1801 Colonial Born GSmBC 1818 SMW 0008
/ /1828 09/09/1821 John ROSE John 1814 Somerse'e Convict HOBBS Harriot 1801 Colonial Born GSmBC 1818 SMW 0009
/ /1828 07/11/1823 Anne ROSE John 1814 Somerse'e Convict HOBBS Harriot 1801 Colonial Born GSmBC 1818 SMW 0010
/ /1828 04/08/1826 Thomas ROSE John 1814 Somerse'e Convict HOBBS Harriot 1801 Colonial Born GSmBC 1818 SMW 0011
/ /1828 07/09/1828 Harriot ROSE John 1814 Somerse'e Convict HOBBS Harriot 1801 Colonial Born GSmBC 1818 SMW 0012
/ /1828 / /1828 Glen Ripley ROBERTSON James 1822 Provide'e CameFree MRS Anna Maria 1822 Provide'e Wife CFmCF Sct 0013
/ /1828 03/11/1828 David BROWN David 1801 E Cornw's Child McMAHON Mary Elizabeth 1800 Mine' Child CFmCF 1815 SPS 0014
/ /1828 18/11/1828 Jane BOOKS Alexander 1791 Active CameFree GRONO Margaret 1804 Colonial Born CFmBC 1819 SMW 0015
/ /1828 / /1828 Catherine McPHERSON * John WATSON Ellen --d-- 0016
/ /1829 08/05/1829 Mary Ann MASON Samuel 1804 Coroman'l Convict ROBINSON/SMITH Eliza 1812 Minstrel Convict FSmFS 1820 SMW 0017
/ /1829 30/09/1828 James MITCHELL Malcolm ?Michael 1821 L W CameFree GRONO/McKENZIE Jane 1803 Colonial Born CFmBC 1827 SMW 0018
/ /1829 / /1823 Mary WATSON William 1817 L Eldon Convict JOHNSON Grizel/Grace 1811 Friends Convict GSdGS 0019
/ /1829 / /1825 Martha WATSON William 1817 L Eldon Convict JOHNSON Grizel/Grace 1811 Friends Convict GSdGS 0020
/ /1829 28/07/1829 George ARNDELL Thomas 1799 Colonial Born LODER Sophia 1805 Colonial Born BCmBC 1824 SMW 0021
/ /1829 15/08/1829 Jane GRONO John 1827 Elizabeth Settler BIRKETT Mary 1827 Elizabeth Wife CFmCF 1820 Lan 0022
/ /1829 / /1827 Thomas Pitt JONES William/Thomas Colonial Born GRAY Hannah/Elizabeth 1813 ColonialBorn BCdBC 0023
/ /1829 11/11/1829 Mary HALL James 1805 Colonial Born JOHNSTON Hannah 1806 Colonial Born BCmBC 1829 EKPH 0027
/ /1830 / /1830 William JONES William Colonial Born GRAY Hannah 1813 Colonial Born BCmBC 1829 SJPT 0028
/ /1830 23/05/1829 James STUBBS William 1802 Coroman'l Child ROGERS Mary Ann 1803 Colonial Born CFmBC 1819 SMW 0029
/ /1830 / /1829 Anne McLACHLAN Bernard - Margaret --m-- 0030
/ /1830 / /1830 Frances BLACK Walter 1826 Woodman CameFree - Mary CFm-- 0031
/ /1830 / /1830 Augustus McKAY Murdoch RVetCo McLEOD Elizabeth Wife CFmCF Sct 0032
/ /1830 / /1829 John TENNANT Robert 1818 Morley Convict HALL Mary Ann 1816 Mary Ann Child FSmCF 1825 SPR 0033
/ /1830 01/08/1830 Matthew Smith HALL George Smith 1802 Coroma' Child GRONO Frances 1799 H Buffalo Child CFmCF 1815 SMW 0034
/ /1830 01/11/1830 James Henry Wilson McSTRAVICK * John RVetCo BLAIR Anne Wife CFmCF Sct 0036
/ /1830 25/10/1830 James ROSE John 1814 Somerse'e Convict HOBBS Harriot 1801 Colonial Born GSmBC 1818 SMW 0045
/ /1830 29/01/1830 John BRIDGER William 1819 Recovery Convict DOUGLAS/HASSAN Elizabeth 1827 P Charl'e Convict FSmGS 1828 SPR 0055
/ /1830 27/04/1822 Joseph WINDRED Joseph 1815 M Welli'n Convict DARGIN/BRADY Sophia 1796 Colonial Born FSdBC 0060
/ /1830 21/11/1824 William WINDRED Joseph 1815 M Welli'n Convict DARGIN/BRADY Sophia 1796 Colonial Born FSdBC 0061
/ /1830 07/05/1827 John WINDRED Joseph 1815 M Welli'n Convict DARGIN/BRADY Sophia 1796 Colonial Born FSdBC 0062
/ /1830 30/07/1819 Daniel GARDNER # John 1815 M Welli'n Convict McCOY Mary 1798 Colonial Born FSmBC 1826 SJW 0068
/ /1830 03/11/1822 James GARDNER John 1815 M Welli'n Convict McCOY Mary 1798 Colonial Born FSmBC 1826 SJW 0069
/ /1830 10/10/1825 Sarah GARDNER John 1815 M Welli'n Convict McCOY Mary 1798 Colonial Born FSmBC 1826 SJW 0070
/ /1830 15/09/1829 Robert GARDNER John 1815 M Welli'n Convict McCOY Mary 1798 Colonial Born FSmBC 1826 SJW 0071
/ /1830 / /1829 Selina GARDENER William - Sophia --m-- 0074
/ /1831 04/09/1830 Mathew HALL Mathew 1811 Colonial Born HARTLEY Frances 1814 Colonial Born BCdBC 0089
/ /1831 18/07/1829 Thomas Green DOUGLAS William George 1804 Coro' Convict CROSS Mary Ann 1793 Colonial Born FSdBC 0114
/ /1831 / /1828 Ann FULLER William - Mary --m-- 0148
/ /1831 / /1826 Samuel FULLER William - Mary --m-- 0150
[0016] duplicate of [0006] ?
[0036] duplicate in Scots Kirk Sydney
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