The first marriage was performed at Ebenezer Kirk in 1828. There were only six
other marriages performed until the end of 1830.
The information recorded for each marriage is as follows:
family name
Christian name
year and ship of arrival
civil status at time of marriage
age at marriage
family name
Christian name
year and ship of arrival
civil status at time of marriage
age at marriage
reference number
The marriages are listed in chronological order.
The Rev John McGarvie was appointed to Ebenezer Kirk after his arrival in
the colony in 1826. Why there should only have been six (possibly seven)
marriages performed over the next five years is a mystery, perhaps there could
have been more.
The original register for Ebenezer Kirk has not been located. This list
comes from the Kerrison James Index. The only information recorded in
the index was; date, family name and Christian name of both bride and groom.
As explained above the age at marriage is a derived figure.
Regrettably the exact date of the first marriage in 1828 has not been found.
The marriage record for William Anstajther Mainey and Helen McLeod is a
duplicate of the one in Scots Church Sydney.
To locate an entry on this list; firstly an alphabetical search on the name
would be made on Lists 27 or 28 using code "EKPH" from which the date of
marriage would be retrieved, secondly using the appropriate date, the marriage
would then be located on this list.
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