Baptism--- Birth----- Child--------- Father------------------------------------------- Mother------------------------------------------- Parents------- Ref.
Date Date Christian Name Family Name Christian Arrival Ship & Status Family Name Christian Arrival Ship & Status Marital Status No.
/ / 01/11/1826 Sarah AARONS Joseph 1823 P Royal Convict MRS Rachael 1823 Mary Convict GSmGS Eng 0001
/ / / /1828 Ellenor ELLIS % Elias 1829 Surrey CameFree MRS Rebecca 1829 Surrey Wife CFmCF Eng 0003
/ / 10/09/1828 David SOLOMON Vaiben 1818 L Castl'h Convict SMITH Sarah Mary 1809 Colonial Born FSmBC 1826 SPS 0004
/ / 06/11/1828 Rebecca AARONS Joseph 1823 P Royal Convict MRS Rachael 1823 Mary Convict GSmGS Eng 0005
17/09/1831 / /1828 David EMANUEL Barnett 1822 Asia Convict JONES Mary/Jane 1825 Grenada Convict GSmGS 1826 SJP 0006
12/04/1829 05/04/1829 James SIMMONS Isaac 1829 CameFree MRS Matilda 1829 Wife CFmCF Eng 0007
/ / 06/10/1829 Henry AARONS Joseph 1823 P Royal Convict MRS Rachael 1823 Mary Convict GSmGS Eng 0008
/02/1830 19/01/1830 Morris ELLIS Elias 1829 Surrey CameFree MRS Rebecca 1829 Surrey Wife CFmCF Eng 0009
/04/1830 27/03/1830 Joseph SOLOMON Vaiben/Reuben 1818 LCast' Convict SMITH Sarah Mary 1809 Colonial Born FSmBC 1826 SPS 0010
/07/1830 06/07/1830 Benjamin MYERS Emanuel 1819 JohnBarry Convict BURNSIDE Mary/Rebecca 1811 Colonial Born FSmBC 1829 SJS 0011
/ / / /1827 Sydney JEWELL Harris M CameFree - Isabel CFm-- 0681
[0003] arrived 1829 "Surrey"
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