Burial---- Family-------- Christian----- Age Abode-------------- Civil---- Ship of------- Quality or------------------------------------------------- Minister Ref.
Date Name Name Status Arrival Profession No.
26/03/1826 FENNELL John 30y Bathurst Convict 1822 Mangles shepherd Redferns Farm RTH 0001
07/04/1826 FLANNERY John 25y Bathurst Convict 1823 Brampton labourer RTH 0002
07/05/1826 AYLMER James Kings Farm Bathurst labourer RTH 0003
19/05/1826 GRANT Jane 34y Coxs River Emancip't 1813 A Charles ux John nee O'Brien 0004
22/06/1826 SHENNAN William Webb 31y Ruinville 1826 Regalia gentleman RTH 0005
22/06/1826 SELLS Henry 67y Bathurst Emancip't 1797 Ganges McKenzies Farm RTH 0006
25/06/1826 EDWARDS John 67y Bathurst Convict 1817 Fame shepherd W Coxs Farm RTH 0008
06/07/1826 FENNEL John Esq. JP 36y Bathurst 1821 R George Came Free late commandant RTH 0007
08/08/1826 ALEXANDER Joshua 26y Bathurst Convict 1819 Malabar labourer to Mrs Macquarie - at Fitzgeralds Farm RTH 0009
01/09/1826 BALDWIN James 19y Bathurst Mounted Po Guildford3lice - servant to Mr R Nixon RTH 0010
08/09/1826 DALEY John 38y Coxs River Convict 1813 A Charles servant at Grants Farm 0011
26/10/1826 WILKINS Mary 57y Bathurst Mary Ann 1 0012
12/11/1826 MOLTON John 27y Bathurst Convict 1825 Norfolk labourer RTH 0013
30/11/1826 SMITH Sarah 2y10m Bathurst Col' Born 1820 Gilbert & Sarah nee - father 3rd Reg't RTH 0014
24/01/1827 MOORE John 26y Bylong Convict 1818 Ocean servant to Mr Lee 0015
23/05/1827 WAIN Stephen 55y Bathurst Emancip't 1803 H Glatton RJK 0016
23/06/1827 CONNELL Geoffrey 35y Kables Stn Bathurst Convict 1826 Boyne scotsman RJK 0017
09/07/1827 JONES Reuban Hannibal 8m Bathurst Plains Col' Born 1826 Colonial John & Ann nee Bartlett - gentlemans child RJK 0018
12/07/1827 FULWOOD William 26y Johnstons Bathurst Convict 1820 Agamemnon servant RJK 0019
26/07/1827 JOB John 45y Wimburndale Convict 1821 Adamant servant to Mr Brown RJK 0020
31/10/1827 MORGAN William 48y Bathurst Convict 1823 Henry shepherd Henrys Farm RJK 0021
12/11/1827 CRANE Bryan 44y Bathurst Convict 1818 ESVincent linen weaver RJK 0022
22/11/1827 WILLIAMS Peter 48y Bathurst Asia cook to Mr Grant at Campbells River RJK 0023
05/12/1827 SHAW Robert 44y Jones Farm Bathurst Emancip't 1821 LSidmouth servant RJK 0024
20/12/1827 HALES Edward 28y Macquarie Plains Free man RJK 0025
09/01/1828 SHAW Matthew 24y Bathurst Hospital Convict 1827 Champion cheese maker to Mr Sutton RJK 0026
22/01/1828 SHAW William Blackmans Cooyell Free 1822 Asia labourer 0027
25/01/1828 LEWIS Richard 57y Bathurst Plains Emancip't 1802 Coroman'l settler RJK 0028
09/04/1828 HORNE Henry 40y Macquarie Plains Convict 1821 Hindostan labourer RJK 0029
10/04/1828 PAYNE Edward 10d Bathurst Plains Col' Born 1828 William & Ellen - RJK 0030
14/04/1828 COOKSEY Joseph 30y Bathurst MHastings servant to Mr Godding RJK 0031
09/05/1828 JACKSON Samuel 27y Bathurst Convict 1824 CHarcourt servant to Mr Redfern RJK 0032
02/07/1828 WILLIAMS James 35y Wellington Valley Convict 1816 Atlas RJK 0033
28/08/1828 WATKINS Benjamin 3m Bathurst Col' Born 1828 Benjamin Watkins - mounted police RJK 0034
09/09/1828 HARRINGTON Thomas 68y Bathurst Convict 1813 E Spencer gardener to Capt. Piper at Alloway Bank RJK 0035
08/10/1828 PHILLIPS Patrick 22y no place of abode Convict 1825 H Porcher bushranger RJK 0036
13/10/1828 BURN(E) James 25y Fitzgeralds Valley Convict 1828 Phoenix stockman at "Stowford" died suddenly of anyeurism RJK 0037
30/10/1828 WILLOCH William 25y Bathurst Convict 1824 CHarcourt shoemaker - asthma RJK 0038
30/10/1828 STREET Hannah Matilda 4m Woodlands Bathurst Col' Born 1828 John & Maria nee Rendall RJK 0039
13/11/1828 COLLINS Dennis 25y Bathurst Convict 1823 Brampton servant to Mr July RJK 0040
06/12/1828 DONAGHUE Charles 45y Bathurst Plains Convict 1828 Phoenix servant to Mr Bowen - drowned RJK 0041
06/12/1828 THOMAS Frederick 26y Bathurst Convict 1825 Hercules labourer for distribution RJK 0042
30/12/1828 - - found dead in bush VCJ - died by visitation of God 0043
13/01/1829 KIRKLEY Jane 33y Coxs River RJK 0044
24/03/1829 EVERNDEN Elizabeth 36y Bathurst Came Free 1823 Surrey ux Thomas nee Saunders RJK 0045
02/04/1829 DOVER Louisa 28y Fitzgerald Valley Convict 1825 Midas ux James nee Hill - servant to W Johnson- diarrhoea RJK 0046
10/04/1829 SULLIVAN James 47y Bathurst Convict 1828 Borodino servant at Mr Lawsons Farm - dysentry RJK 0047
01/05/1829 BROWNE John 35y No.1 Iron Gang Convict 1828 R George paraplegia RJK 0048
05/05/1829 KANAGHAN Daniel 34y Bathurst Emancip't scrofula RJK 0049
11/05/1829 KING John 22y No.2 Road Gang Convict 1825 Asia dropsey RJK 0050
18/05/1829 CHURCHWARD William 33y Bathurst Convict 1820 Coroman'l assigned carpenter Mr Lawsons Farm - liver complaint RJK 0051
23/05/1829 POWELL Michael 34y Bathurst Convict Mr S?? Station - died suddenly RJK 0052
19/06/1829 LAWRENCE William 27y Bathurst Convict MHastings Mr Hastings Farm - bricklayer assgn'd to Mr Terry - hydrothorax RJK 0053
27/06/1829 MURRAY Catharine 25y Fitzgeralds Valley Convict 1825 Grenada ux Matthew nee McCarthy - stockmans wife - childbirth RJK 0054
04/08/1829 CURTIN John 30y Fitzgaralds Valley ConvictTL 1823 Isabella shepherd at Waris Farm - hydrothorax RJK 0055
04/08/1829 RILEY James 35y Fitzgeralds Valley Convict Isabella VCJ - died by visitation of God RJK 0056
12/08/1829 BURTON Elizabeth 34y Macquarie Plains Came Free 1819 Surrey ux James nee Hyllia - labourers wife - mortification from a burn RJK 0057
15/08/1829 KEARNEY - 1w Macquarie Plains Col' Born 1829 0058
20/08/1829 KNELLER Robert 39y Bathurst Convict 1829 Waterloo farming man - pneumonia RJK 0059
24/08/1829 LITTLE Francis 58y Campbells River ConvictTL 1819 Tyne settler at Sullivans Rest VCJ - died by visitation of God RJK 0060
27/09/1829 MURRAY Catharine 3m Bathurst Plains Col' Born 1829 Matthew & Catherine nee McCarthy RJK 0062
13/10/1829 BURGESS Maria 46y Bathurst Plains Emancip't 1822 Provide'e ux - nee Morris - servant to Mr Hawkins RJK 0063
20/10/1829 DEEKS John 27y Kings Plains Convict 1829 Waterloo assgn'd to Mr Lambert - pneumonia RJK 0064
28/10/1829 LYNCH Patrick 35y No.1 Iron Gang Convict 1825 Lonach consumption RJK 0065
06/11/1829 CRAWFORD Samuel 27y Passim Morley bushranger - shot by a contable RJK 0066
06/11/1829 WELSH Edward Capeta overseer to J Jamieson - supposed murdered RJK 0067
13/11/1829 BACON John 60y No.1 Iron Gang Convict 1817 Shipley pneumonia RJK 0068
18/11/1829 BROUGHTON William 24y Bathurst Convict 1828 R George labourer to Mr Icley - pneumonia RJK 0069
28/12/1829 JOHNSON John 51y Bathurst Convict 1827 Guildford assig'd to Capt.Piper "Alloway Bank" VCJ - died by apoplexy RJK 0070
16/01/1830 WARDELL Mrs I 63y Bald Hill Bathurst Came Free 1824 Alfred fever in consequence of broken thigh RJK 0071
16/01/1830 SHERRY John 24y Bathurst Plains Convict 1829 Gov Ready to Mr Bonner? - dysentry RJK 0080
27/01/1830 FURY Samuel 17y Woodlands Bathurst Convict Aladdin to Mr Stack RJK 0081
06/02/1830 EVANS Samuel/Simon 68y No.1 Iron Gang Convict 1821 Adamant diarrhoea RJK 0082
02/03/1830 BURNET al BLACK Eleanor 30y Gov.Garden Bathurst Albion ux a soldier - died in child birth RJK 0083
09/03/1830 WILSON Helen 13y Bathurst Col' Born 1818 John & Caroline Leonard - servant to Mr Brown - fever RJK 0084
13/03/1830 DOCHERTY Thomas 24y Bathurst Private 39th Reg't - pthisis RJK 0085
20/03/1830 MAHONEY Maurice 22y Bathurst Plains Convict 1823 Medina to Mr White - pthisis RJK 0086
20/04/1830 WILLIAMS William 22y Bathurst Plains Convict labourer to Mr Cox - VCJ - accidently drowned RJK 0087
20/05/1830 PARTRIDGE Sarah 35y Bathurst Emancip't 1820 L Welli'n ux Benjamin nee Holmes - husband gov. blacksmith - dropsy RJK 0088
21/06/1830 O'BRIEN James 22y Sidmouth Valley Convict 1829 Fergusson to Mr Lowe - VCJ - culpable homicide RJK 0089
21/06/1830 CHESHIRE Anna 6m Bathurst Plains Col' Born 1830 George & Christina nee Miller - diarrhoea RJK 0090
24/06/1830 KERRIDGE George 18y Bathurst Convict 1830 Mermaid - ambustism?? anyeurism RJK 0091
06/08/1830 WILLIAMS William 21y Duns Plains Convict 1830 Nithsdale to Capt. Brown - "Nightingale" in register RJK 0092
/08/1830 - - unknown body 0093
24/08/1830 ALLEN James 32y Bathurst Barracks Corporal 1828 Phoenix 39th Reg't - VCJ - manslaughter RJK 0094
27/08/1830 IRVINE George 40y Bathurst Convict 1829 Sophia cooper - found drowned RJK 0095
28/08/1830 CLEARY Lawrence 23y Bathurst Convict 1826 Regalia to Henry Perriga - found drowned RJK 0096
31/08/1830 CLOCKER Thomas White Rock Convict 1829 Vittoria found dead in the river near White Rock (name supposed) RJK 0097
01/09/1830 JONES Enoch 41y Bathurst Plains ConvictCP 1817 SWBensley pneumonia RJK 0098
08/09/1830 MURRAY male 1m Bathurst Col' Born 1830 Edward & Ann Heyne - 0099
10/09/1830 ROACH Robert 32y Bathurst Convict 1830 M Huntley to Mr Walker - hectic fever from diseased jaw RJK 0100
10/09/1830 HURLEY Daniel 22y Bathurst Convict 1823 Medina Bartlets Farm - enlargement of liver RJK 0101
27/09/1830 GREENWOOD James 41y Bathurst ConvictTL 1822 Eliza overseer - VCJ - murdered by bushrangers RJK 0102
04/10/1830 ALEXANDER John 25y Bathurst overseer to Rev. Marsden - drowned crossing the Fish River RJK 0103
16/10/1830 WHEATCROFT Elizabeth 29y Bathurst Convict 1825 Mariner ux Abraham nee Hickson - husband sawyer - iliac ?? RJK 0104
02/11/1830 ENTWISTLE Ralph 25y Fitzgeralds Valley Convict 1827 John Liscombes Farm - hanged for murder of Greenwood RJT 0105
02/11/1830 GAHAN William 24y Fitzgeralds Valley Convict 1827 Eliza Liscombes Farm - hanged for murder of Greenwood RJT 0106
02/11/1830 SHEPHERD John 25y Fitzgeralds Valley Convict 1825 Norfolk Liscombes Farm - hanged for murder of Greenwood RJT 0107
02/11/1830 KEARNEY Michael 23y Fitzgeralds Valley Convict 1829 Gov Ready Liscombes Farm - hanged for murder of Greenwood RJT 0108
02/11/1830 DUNN Thomas 33y Fitzgeralds Valley Convict 1829 Sophia Liscombes Farm - hanged for murder of Greenwood RJT 0109
02/11/1830 GLEESON Patrick 18y Fitzgeralds Valley Convict 1829 Larkins Liscombes Farm - hanged for murder of Greenwood RJT 0110
02/11/1830 KENNY John 22y Bathurst Convict 1829 Gov Ready hanged for robbery RJK 0111
02/11/1830 DALEY Dominic 32y Bathurst Convict 1829 Fergusson hanged for robbery RJK 0112
02/11/1830 WEBSTER Robert 28y Bathurst Convict 1821 Grenada hanged for robbery RJK
02/11/1830 DRIVER James 22y Kings Plains Convict 1830 LMelville hanged for robbery RJK 0113
04/11/1830 KEENAN Elizabeth 3y Bathurst Barracks Came Free 1826 Woodford Michael & Susannah nee Lennon - father Private 39th Reg't RJK 0114
06/11/1830 HIGGINS Patrick 37y Bathurst Emancip't 1822 Southwark sawyer at Capt. Pipers Alloway Bank - killed by lightning RJK 0115
02/12/1830 STEVENS James 37y Bathurst Police Bks Soldier 39th Reg't - police horse officer - died from gunshot RJK 0116
09/12/1830 SIMONDS William 40y Richmond stockman to Mr Bowen ? VCJ - died by visitation of God RJK 0117
17/12/1830 LLOYD John 30y Mr Goslings Station Convict 1830 R Admiral Bathurst - dysentry RJK 0118
21/12/1830 BUTLER Patrick 30y Bingham Convict 1825 Lonach labourer - found drowned RJK 0119
[0004] no clergyman
[0011] no clergyman
[0012] no clergyman
[0027] burial by Mr Blaxland
[0043] burial by the coroner
[0058] not baptized
[0066] verdict justifiable homicide - John Liscombe coroner
[0067] man committed for trial
[0070] died by apoplexy from intemporate use of ardent spirits
[0089] killed by soldiers when bringing down to criminal court
[0094] skull fractured in a squabble at Kites public house
[0099] not baptized
[0102] shot by a large armed party of bushrangers
[0113] Rev Keane attended him at the scaffold but not his body to the grave
[0114] drowned in creek
[0116] died from gunshot wound given by bushrangers
VCJ = verdict of coronial jury
RTH : Rev Thomas Hassall
RJK : Rev John Espie Keane
RJT : Rev John Joseph Therry
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