Burial---- Family-------- Christian----- Age Abode-------------- Civil---- Ship of------- Quality or-------------- Minister Ref.
Date Name Name Status Arrival Profession No.
06/09/1826 BRYAN Anthony 74y Kissing Point Emancip't 1790 Surprise farmer RJEK 0001
06/11/1826 BRAMMER Joseph 47y Field of Mars Pensioner 1809 H Drome'y late 73rd Reg't RJEK 0002
27/11/1826 COLLINS Daniel 84y Field of Mars Emancip't 1793 Bodding's servant RJEK 0003
03/12/1826 PAYNE Abraham 70y Kissing Point Emancip't 1790 Surprise settler RJEK 0004
13/12/1826 GREEN Ann 26y Kissing Point Convict 1824 Almorah ux John nee Delany RJEK 0005
01/07/1827 CAMP Joseph 53y Field of Mars Emancip't 1800 R Admiral labourer RCPW 0006
13/07/1827 GOWLETT Isaac 50y Field of Mars ConvictCP 1797 Ganges labourer RCPW 0007
03/06/1828 HATTON Joseph 82y Field of Mars Emancip't 1788 Scarbor'h settler RCPW 0008
31/08/1828 FIELD Maria 32y Field of Mars Col' Born 1796 ux Patrick nee Brian RCPW 0009
06/10/1828 PASS Charles 60y Field of Mars ConvictCP 1789 HGuardian RCPW 0010
18/12/1828 WEAVERS-HUTCHINSON Enoch 33y Field of Mars Col' Born 1796 James & Mary Hutchinson RCPW 0011
20/12/1828 DOUGLASS Elizabeth 22y Field of Mars Col' Born 1809 ux William nee Ingston RCPW 0012
28/12/1828 PEARCE George 3y Lane Cove Col' Born 1825 Aaron & Eleanor Holland RCPW 0013
11/01/1829 SEDLEY John 30y Bedlam Convict 1821 Adamant RCPW 0014
23/03/1829 TUCKER Robert 32y Kissing Point Emancip't 1820 Shipley sawyer RCPW 0015
06/04/1829 BRADLEY George 27y Kissing Point Col' Born 1801 James & Sarah nee Barnes - labourer RCPW 0016
04/06/1829 PETERS John 57y Field of Mars Emancip't 1812 Britannia labourer RCPW 0017
18/07/1829 BENNETT John 67y Field of Mars Emancip't 1796 M Cornw's RCPW 0018
05/11/1829 MEEKEN Eleanor 56y Field of Mars Free RCPW 0019
07/01/1830 GOODIN Ann 61y Field of Mars Emancip't 1790 L Juliana ux Edward nee Thomas RCPW 0020
08/01/1830 PEARCE James 3m Bedlam Col' Born 1830 Colonial RCPW 0021
[0005] husband a brickmaker
[0006] "Barwell" in register
RJEK: Rev John Espie Keane
RCPW: Rev Charles Pleydell Neale Wilton
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