Marriage-- Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride------------------------------------------------------ Minister Ref.
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age No.
11/08/1826 POLLARD William 1816 Ocean ConvictTL 26 BEESON Susannah 1810 Canada Emancip't 59 RJK 0001
19/11/1828 BRAY John 1798 Colonial Born 30 STORER Charlotte 1809 Colonial Born 19 RCW 0002
08/09/1829 JUPP Henry 1818 G Stewart Convict 38 GOODEN Margaret 1806 Colonial Born 23 RCW 0003
07/10/1829 BARBOSE Jose Lewis 1811 A Gambier Emancip't 39 DEALY Mary 1826 L Rowena Convict 33 RCW 0004
26/12/1829 HOLLOWAY Samuel 1820 Agamemnon Emancip't 34 PINCHAM Mary Ann 1811 Colonial Born 15 RCW 0005
26/12/1829 BEAUMONT John Free Man PINCHAM Jane 1815 Colonial Born 14 RCW 0006
12/03/1830 WRIGHT James Emancip't 26 BRADLEY Isabella 1813 Colonial Born 16 RCW 0007
16/03/1830 CHADWORTH William 1810 Indian Emancip't 29 BRYANT Hannah 1827 Harmony Convict 27 RCW 0008
10/05/1830 COUPS Peter 1819 Baring Emancip't 28 MARTIN Hannah 1815 Colonial Born 15 RCW 0009
RJK Rev John Espy Keane
RCW Rev Charles P N Wilton
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