Burial---- Family-------- Christian----- Age Status---------- Arrival------------------------ Comments------------------------------- Ref. 
Date       Name           Name                                Year Ship                                                               No.  
01/05/1801 CORDUROY       George         59y Convict          1798 'Barwell'                  killed by natives                           
02/05/1801 COX            Margaret       36y Convict          1796 'Indispensible'                                                         
10/06/1801 NOWLAND        William            Convict                                                                                  0580 
16/06/1801 THOMAS         Ralph              Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0581 
29/06/1801 SULLIVAN       David              Convict          1801 'Anne'                                                             0582 
06/07/1801 O'NEAL         Barnard        56y Convict          1800 'Minerva'                                                          0583 
09/07/1801 HAYNES         James          46y Emancipist       1788 'Friendship'                                                       0584 
16/07/1801 HAYES          James              Convict          1801 'Anne'                                                             0585 
26/07/1801 BRASIL         John               Convict          1801 'Anne'                                                             0586 
01/08/1801 DEMPSEY        John               Convict          1801 'Anne'                     killed by falling tree                  0587 
01/08/1801 CALLAGHAN      Phillip            Convict                                                                                  0588 
03/08/1801 DARKE          Richard        23y Convict          1797 'Ganges'                                                           0589 
13/08/1801 NUGENT         John               Convicts Infant       James & Elizabeth Clough                                           0590 
02/09/1801 ANTRIM         John               Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0591 
02/09/1801 MARSDEN        Charles Simeon  3y Chaplains Child  1798 Rev. Samuel & Elizabeth nee Fristan                                0594 
02/03/1802 RINGSHOT       John           28y Convict          1798 'Barwell'                                                          0592 
02/03/1802 O'BRYAN        John               Emancipist       1791 'Admiral Barrington'                                               0593 
02/03/1802 HOWARD         Elizabeth          Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0595 
18/06/1802 DUNN           Edward         27y Convict          1800 'Minerva'                                                          0597 
21/06/1802 WATKINS        Richard            Convict          1802                                                                    0598 
21/06/1802 GARNER         Sarah              Infant                                                                                   0599 
05/07/1802 JACOBS         David          43y Emancipist       1788 'Scarborough'                                                      0600 
06/07/1802 SMITH          William            Emancipist       1792 'Royal Admiral'                                                    0601 
12/07/1802 KELLY          James              Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0602 
14/07/1802 HODGES         Thomas             Convict          1802                                                                    0603 
16/07/1802 MALLOY         John               Convict          1801 'Anne'                                                             0604 
19/07/1802 CHAMBERLAIN    John               Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0605 
28/07/1802 CARNEY         Darby              Convict          1801 'Anne'                                                             0606 
29/07/1802 RANDALL        Mary Mrs           Emancipist       1790 'Neptune'                  ux John nee Butler                      0607 
01/08/1802 RUSSELL        John               Emancipist       1791 'Salamander'                                                       0608 
16/08/1802 FEAGAN         Mary               Infant                                                                                   0609 
18/08/1802 AUSTIN         Joseph             Convicts Infant       John & Lydia nee -                                                 0610 
26/08/1802 HERBERT        Thomas             Infant                                                                                   0611 
29/08/1802 COX            Elizabeth      36y Emancipist       1796 'Indispensible'            ux Abraham Camp                         0612 
03/09/1802 CHISHAM        George             Convict          1802                                                                    0613 
28/09/1802 HOWE           Frances Mrs        Settlers Wife    1802 'Coromandel'               ux John nee Ward                        0614 
03/10/1802 LONDAGRAN      Ann                Convict                                                                                  0615 
18/10/1802 HUNT           John           39y Convict          1798 'Barwell'                                                          0616 
25/10/1802 WOODHAM        James              Convict                                                                                  0617 
25/10/1802 JONES          Elizabeth          Convict          1804 'Experiment'                                                       0618 
06/11/1802 BARRON         Edward             Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0619 
16/11/1802 APLET          George             Convict                                                                                  0620 
17/11/1802 COTTON         John           31y Emancipist       1792 'Royal Admiral'                                                    0621 
23/11/1802 PREVY          William            Convict          1802                                                                    0622 
01/12/1802 SULLIVAN       Michael            Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0623 
01/12/1802 TRAVERS        John               Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0624 
02/12/1802 DAVY           William            Convict                                                                                  0625 
22/12/1802 SMITH          John                                                                                                        0626 
26/12/1802 STOW           Thomas             Convict          1802                                                                    0627 
27/12/1802 WATKINS        Simon              Convict          1800 'Royal Admiral'                                                    0628 
27/12/1802 CAREY          Thomas             NSWCorps Private 1793                                                                    0629 
28/12/1802 FITZPATRICK    Michael        43y Convict          1799 'Hillsborough'                                                     0630 
01/01/1803 TULLY          John               Emancipist       1797 'Britannia'                                                        0631 
04/01/1803 DURER          John               Convict                                                                                  0632 
05/01/1803 KEEFE          James              Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0633 
06/01/1803 HOY            Jane               Emancipist       1792 'Royal Admiral'                                                    0634 
12/01/1803 McNORTON       Alexander          Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0635 
16/01/1803 DIXON          John           40y Convict          1799 'Hillsborough'                                                     0636 
19/01/1803 MUCKELROY      Michael            Convict          1801 'Ann'                                                              0637 
26/01/1803 FLINN          Mary               Emancipist       1792 'Kitty'                    ux James Burcham                        0638            
01/02/1803 DAVIS          Mary               Infant                                                                                   0639 
07/02/1803 POOR           Richard            Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0640 
09/02/1803 MURPHY         William        17y Convict          1800 'Minerva'                                                          0641 
17/02/1803 JOHNSON        John               Emancipist       1792 'Pitt'                                                             0642 
24/02/1803 WILLIAMS       John                                                                                                        0643 
24/02/1803 KENNEDY        Bridget            Infant                                                                                   0644 
25/02/1803 LINDSEY        Jane Mrs           Convict          1802 'Atlas'                    ux Edward nee Martin                    0645 
11/03/1803 WILLIAMS       Thomas                                                                                                      0646 
19/03/1803 READ           James          64y Settler                                          Portland Head                        SG 0647
21/03/1803 PICKET         Henry              Convicts Infant  1803 Henry & Mary nee -                                                 0648 
25/03/1803 RIAN           Thomas             Convict                                                                                  0649 
28/04/1803 BEACELSTON     James              Convict                                                                                  0650 
01/05/1803 McGRATH        Thomas             Convict          1800 'Royal Admiral'                                                    0651 
19/05/1803 FLOWERFIELD    Frederick          Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0652 
20/05/1803 OWEN           Eleanor            Infant                                                                                   0653 
01/06/1803 RIAN           Michael            Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0654 
06/06/1803 PEARCE         William            Convict          1799 'Hillsborough'                                                     0655 
27/06/1803 FITZJOHN       May            36y Convict          1800 'Speedy'                                                           0656 
14/07/1803 CULLUM         Michael            Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0657 
04/08/1803 HAYES          Hugh               Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0658 
08/08/1803 FOWLES         William            Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                                                      0659 
16/08/1803 MARSDEN        John          1y8m Chaplains Child  1801 Rev. Samuel & Elizabeth nee Fristan                             SG 0596 
16/08/1803 KENNELLY       Andrew             NSWCorps Private 1790 Second Fleet                                                       0660 
18/08/1803 COSBY          John               Convict          1800 'Royal Admiral'                                                    0661 
04/09/1803 SMITH          Charlotte          Convict          1801 'Nile'                                                             0662 
16/09/1803 ELDER          Samuel             Convict                                                                                  0663 
30/09/1803 FAULKNER       Elizabeth          Convict          1800 'Speedy'                                                           0664 
01/10/1803 WILSON         James              Convict          1802                                                                    0665 
24/10/1803 BREMEJAM       Thomas             Convict                                                                                  0666 
30/10/1803 ANDERSON       Margaret       35y Emancipist       1793 'Sugar Cane'                                                       0667 
10/11/1803 NICHOLSON      George             Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0668 
16/11/1803 WELSH          James              Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0669 
28/11/1803 COX            Ann Maria       4m Officers Child   1803 William & Rebecca nee -                                            0670 
09/12/1803 PEWTERERS      Thomas          2m Convicts Infant  1803 Denis Chapman & Catherine Pewteris                                 0671 
19/12/1803 KENNY          Ann Mrs            Convict                                          ux James nee Johnson                    0672 
31/12/1803 NEAL           Joseph         36y Emancipist       1790 'Surprise'                                                         0673 
04/01/1804 ELEY           Thomas             Infant                                                                                   0674 
05/01/1804 GRIMSHAW       Mary               Convicts Infant       Richard & Mary nee -                                               0675 
11/01/1804 LINCH          William            Emancipist       1796 'Marquis Cornwallis'                                               0676 
13/01/1804 LAXFORD        Peter              Convict                                                                                  0677 
22/01/1804 HAGAN          Henry              Convict          1801 'Anne'                                                             0678 
22/02/1804 WELLS          Elizabeth          Infant                                                                                   0679 
27/02/1804 BIGGS          Eleanor            Convicts Infant  1804 William & Mary Jennings                                            0680 
06/04/1804 HARRISON       William            NSWCorps Private 1790 'Scarborough'                                                      0681 
07/04/1804 COOLLIN        Francis            Convict                                                                                  0682 
17/04/1804 SLATTERY       Paul               Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0683 
26/04/1804 FISHER         James              Convict                                                                                  0684 
03/05/1804 LANGLY         William            Emancipist       1798 'Barwell'                                                          0685 
04/05/1804 BARNETT        Eleanor Mrs        Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'              ux Richard formerly Young nee -         0686 
23/05/1804 POVEY          John               Convict                                                                                  0687 
31/05/1804 NASH           William         9y Convicts Child   1795 William & Maria nee Haynes                                         0688 
05/06/1804 COATES         Matthew            Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0689 
07/06/1804 WILLIAMS       Charles                                                                                                     0690 
08/06/1804 DECLAMP        Vernicourt Esq.    Gentleman        1801 'Minorca'                  Castle Hill - murdered by rebels        0691 
24/06/1804 KNOWLAND       John               Convict                                                                                  0692 
01/07/1804 COLNET         James           8m Officers Infant  1803 James & Mary Sergeant                                              0693 
08/07/1804 TAYLOR         William            Emancipist       1792 'Pitt'                                                             0694 
25/07/1804 O'DONALD       James          39y Convict          1793 'Sugar Cane'                                                       0695 
27/07/1804 WARBY          Edward        4y3m Convicts Child   1800 John & Sarah nee Bentley                                           0696 
06/08/1804 FITZPATRICK    Patrick            Convicts Child   1803 Michael & Ann Wicks                                                0697 
07/08/1804 EDDLESTON      Thomas             Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                                                      0698 
01/09/1804 BRADY          James              Convict                                                                                  0699 
05/09/1804 NASH           John               Convict                                                                                  0700 
19/09/1804 WOOD           Isabella       13y Convicts Child   1791 George & Mary Oakley                                               0701 
03/10/1804 JONES          Margaret           Emancipist       1788 'Charlotte'                                                        0702 
07/10/1804 KELLY          Margaret      2y8m Convicts Child   1802 James & Mary Langdon                                               0703 
27/10/1804 RADFORD        Elizabeth          Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0704 
02/11/1804 FRY            John               Convicts Infant  1804 George & Ann nee Carey                                             0705 
22/11/1804 WARD           Jonathan           Emancipist       1792 'Royal Admiral'                                                         
27/11/1804 TABER          Charlotte     5w5d Convicts Infant  1804 Thomas & Frances nee Medhurst                                      0706 
05/12/1804 SMITH          Mary               Emancipist       1792 'Royal Admiral'            ux Joseph Parton                        0707 
12/12/1804 YOUNG          John               Emancipist       1788 'Alexander'                                                             
29/12/1804 BARRINGTON     George Mr      55y Emancipist       1791 'Active'                                                        SG 0708 
18/01/1805 JOHNSON        Thomas             Convict                                                                                  0709 
25/01/1805 MAY            Martha          6y Convicts Child   1799 Lawrence & Elizabeth Dowling                                       0710 
11/02/1805 BIGGLESTON     Sarah              Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                                                      0711 
25/02/1805 PERKINS        Thomas         15m Child            1803                                                                    0712 
25/04/1805 STONE          Henry              Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0713 
28/04/1805 FARRELL        Mary               Convict                                                                                  0714 
29/04/1805 WILSON         Alice Mrs          Emancipist       1791 'Mary Ann'                 ux George nee Stacey                    0715 
05/05/1805 HOOTON         Elizabeth          Convict                                                                                  0716 
05/05/1805 RIAN           Ann                Convicts Infant       James Woodham & Ann Regan                                          0717 
05/05/1805 LIDDIARD       Sarah          35y Convict          1796 'Indispensible'                                                    0718 
08/05/1805 SPENCER        James           2y Convicts Child   1803 David & Mary Doyle                                                 0719 
21/05/1805 TAYLOR         John               Convict          1799 'Hillsborough'                                                     0720 
26/05/1805 BROMLEY        Harriet            Infant                                                                                   0721 
02/06/1805 DOUGAL         William            Infant                                                                                   0722 
10/06/1805 BAMKON         John               NSWCorps Private 1802 'Hercules'                                                              
20/07/1805 GREENAWAY      John               Convict                                                                                  0723 
03/08/1805 FITZPATRICK    Rose               Infant                                                                                   0724 
03/08/1805 EVANS          Humphrey           Free Man         1788 First Fleet                killed by falling tree - former marine  0725 
04/08/1805 ROSE           Jeremiah       35y Convict          1798 'Barwell'                                                          0726 
20/08/1805 JENNINGS       John           42y Convict AP       1790 'Scarborough'              Chief Constable                      SG 0727 
25/08/1805 SANDALL        Samuel         37y Convict          1798 'Barwell'                                                          0728 
21/10/1805 RIAN           Ann                Convict                                                                                  0729 
30/10/1805 COOPER         Thomas          7y Convicts Child   1798 Charles & Alice nee Davis                                          0730 
22/11/1805 HALL           Samuel          2y Convicts Child   1803 Samuel & Catherine Brannon                                         0731 
01/12/1805 KELLICK        Andrew             Convict          1800 'Royal Admiral'                                                    0732 
29/12/1805 HIGGINSON      George         ?4m Convicts Infant  1803 George & Ann Smith                                                 0733 
06/01/1806 BARNES         Ann             2y Convicts Child   1804 William & Ann South                                                0734 
16/01/1806 SMITH          George         15m Child            1804                                                                    0735 
19/01/1806 QUINN          Mary               Convict          1803 'Rolla'                                                            0736 
23/01/1806 TOMLINSON      Elizabeth       3m Convicts Infant  1805 Robert & Sarah Lester                                              0737 
27/01/1806 CLARKE         Eleanor         3m Infant           1806                                                                    0738 
07/02/1806 BURNE          Jane Alice     27y Convict                                                                                  0739 
11/02/1806 WALKER         Thomas             Convict                                                                                  0740 
12/02/1806 MARTIN         Ann Mrs            Emancipist       1790 'Neptune'                  ux John nee Toy                         0741 
21/02/1806 ROGERS         John           45y Convict          1790 'Neptune'                                                          0742 
28/02/1806 McMAHON        Barnabas        2y Child            1804                                                                    0743 
04/03/1806 McCARTY        Elizabeth      18m Child            1804                                                                    0744 
13/03/1806 FORRESTER      Thomas             Convict          1804 'Coromandel'                                                       0745 
30/03/1806 TIGHE          Patrick        15y                                                  drowned                                 0746 
30/03/1806 JONES          Mary           46y Convict                                                                                  0747 
30/03/1806 ALCOCK         Sarah Mrs      40y Convict                                          ux Robert nee Buchan                    0748 
01/04/1806 BURNE          Edward         46y Emancipist       1797 'Britannia'                                                        0749 
09/04/1806 GRIFFITHS      Mary           28y Emancipist       1803 'HMS Glatton'                                                      0750 
15/04/1806 CROWDER        Thomas         50y Convict                                                                                  0751 
27/04/1806 LANE           William        30y Convict          1804 'Coromandel'                                                       0752 
04/05/1806 SIZE           Anthony            Convict          1800 'Friendship'               murdered                                0753 
08/06/1806 COOPER         Margaret        3y Convicts Child   1803 Charles & Alice nee Davis  burnt to death                          0756 
15/06/1806 MARTIN         Mary            1d Convicts Infant  1806 John & Mary Allen                                                  0754 
09/07/1806 PERKINS        Samuel         33y NSWCorps Private 1792 'Pitt'                     former convict                          0755 
22/07/1806 DORCEY         Thomas         70y Convict          1801 'Anne'                                                             0757 
05/08/1806 FREIGHT        David              Convict          1792 'Royal Admiral'            Duck River Bridge - murdered            0758 
24/08/1806 APSEY          John            3w Child            1806                                                                    0759 
01/09/1806 NEWMAN         John           36y Convict          1806 'Fortune'                                                          0760 
05/09/1806 CLAPSTON       William        30y Convict          1801 'Minorca'                                                          0761 
07/10/1806 QUINN          John           38y Convict          1800 'Friendship'                                                       0762 
15/10/1806 CALLAGHAN      Mary          1y3m Child            1805                                                                    0763 
16/10/1806 GOODIN         John               Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                                                      0764 
18/10/1806 MURRAY         John           40y Convict          1796 'Marquis Cornwalllis'                                              0765 
27/10/1806 ROBERTS        Priscilla       4m Infant           1806                                                                    0766 
03/11/1806 WELLINGTON     Thomas             NSWCorps Private 1791 'Atlantic'                 former convict                          0767 
10/11/1806 DONNELLY       Simon              Free Man         1791 'Albermarle'               former NSWCorps                         0768 
29/11/1806 HATELY         Sarah           6w Convicts Infant  1806 Joseph & Rosana Subborn                                            0769 
07/12/1806 WASSELL        Thomas         35y Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                                                      0770 
19/12/1806 SCOTT          John           50y                                                                                          0771 
26/12/1806 LACY           Thomas         30y Convict          1802 'Hercules'                                                         0772 
24/12/1806 WILD           Henry          60y Convict          1797 'Ganges'                                                           0773 
12/01/1807 SMITH          Mary               Convict                                          murdered                                0774 
25/01/1807 ABSOLOM        George         40y                                                                                          0775 
25/01/1807 HALY           Ann            34y                                                                                          0776 
27/01/1807 KING           John           30y Emancipist       1791 'Salamander'                                                       0777 
30/01/1807 TOMLINSON      Phoebe          2w Convicts Infant  1807 Robert & Sarah Lester                                              0778 
03/02/1807 WILLIS         Jane Mrs           Emancipist       1791 'Mary Ann'                 ux Richard formerly Stevens nee Logan       
04/02/1807 ELKIN          Mary Mrs       23y Convict          1804 'Experiment'               ux Matthew nee Moss                         
09/02/1807 HADLEY         John                                                                                                             
10/02/1807 DOLAND         John           40y                                                                                          0779 
04/03/1807 MULVEY         John           23y Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0780 
06/03/1807 LYNCH          Edward         25y Convict          1803 'Rolla'                                                            0781 
07/03/1807 JONES          John           44y                                                                                          0782 
15/03/1807 ROUSON         Anthony        50y Convict          1798 'Barwell'                                                          0783 
15/03/1807 DUGGIN         Edward         28y                                                                                          0784 
14/03/1807 COLLINS        John           33y Convict          1791 'Active'                   long time insane                        0785 
01/04/1807 CORE           James          36y Emancipist       1793 'Boddingtons'              murdered                                0786 
30/04/1807 JENNER         John           21y Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                                                      0787 
30/04/1807 BUSHELL        William        18m Convicts Child   1805 Paul & Jane Sharp                                                  0788 
26/04/1807 PERKINS        -                  Infant                                                                                   0789 
04/05/1807 KENNY          Thomas         32y Emancipist       1791 'Queen'                                                                 
05/05/1807 KENNY          John                                                                                                             
06/05/1807 BRUCE          James              Emancipist       1791 'Atlantic'                                                              
12/05/1807 SMITH          Samuel             Emancipist       1791 'William & Ann'                                                         
13/05/1807 GIBSON         Brian              Convict          1803 'Rolla'                                                                 
13/05/1807 O'DONNELL      Henry              Infant                                                                                        
18/05/1807 ROCK           Michael         7m Convicts Infant  1806 Michael & Isabella Ellis                                           0790 
23/05/1807 HEYWOOD        Hannah          6w Infant           1807                                                                    0791 
25/05/1807 BURR           Sarah              Infant                                                                                        
09/06/1807 COULTER        Elizabeth      40y Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                                                      0792 
18/06/1807 GREEN          John           45y Convict          1806 'Fortune'                                                          0793 
10/07/1807 JONES          Thomas         42y                                                                                          0794 
10/07/1807 BACON          Charles        40y Convict          1800 'Royal Admiral'                                                    0795 
16/07/1807 ABBOTT         Enoch          32y Convict          1799 'Hillsborough'                                                     0796 
20/08/1807 TERRY          Joseph         19y Convict          1807 'Duke of Portland'                                                 0797 
22/08/1807 McGUIRE        Edward         50y Convict          1797 'Britannia'                                                        0798 
27/08/1807 SALTER         John           40y                                                                                          0799 
29/08/1807 SCANDLON       Brian              NSWCorps Private 1806 'Fortune'                                                               
03/09/1807 BROWN          Mary Ann        5m Convicts Infant  1807 David & Eleanor Fleming                                            0800 
11/09/1807 FIRBY          Mary                                                                                                        0801 
11/09/1807 COGHLAN        William                                                                                                     0802 
29/09/1807 SMITH          Thomas             Convict          1807 'Duke of Portland'                                                 0803 
04/10/1807 HARMAN         John           36y Convict          1804 'Coromandel'                                                       0804 
05/10/1807 WELSH          John            3m Convicts Infant  1807 - & Biddy Welsh                                                    0805 
06/10/1807 OWEN           John           50y NSWCorps Private 1793                                                                    0806 
02/11/1807 WATSON         John           41y Emancipist       1790 'Neptune'                  an old man found dead                   0807 
19/11/1807 O'LEARY        Cornelius      88y Convict          1801 'Anne'                                                             0809 
13/12/1807 CALLINAN       John           50y Convict          1801 'Earl Cornwallis'                                                  0810 
13/12/1807 GIBBONS        James          37y Convict          1797 'Ganges'                                                           0811 
  /  /1808 KENNEDY        Mary               Emancipist       1796 'Marquis Cornwallis'                                           
04/01/1808 ELLIS          Mary           35y Convict          1806 'William Pitt'                                                     0812 
06/01/1808 HOLLISTER      Timothy        40y Emancipist       1791 'Albermarle'               long time insane                        0813 
12/01/1808 COONEY         Michael        35y Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0830 
20/01/1808 LEARY          James          35y Emancipist       1791 'Queen                                                             0808 
22/01/1808 ABBOT          Harriet         2y Child            1806                                                                    0814 
16/02/1808 MORRICE        John           65y Convict          1802 'Atlas'                                                            0815 
19/02/1808 MERCHANT       George             Emancipist       1791 'Active'                   murdered by a musket ball               0816 
01/04/1808 MEALMAKER      George         40y Convict          1800 'Royal Admiral'            died of extreme intoxication            0817 
03/04/1808 NICHOLLS       Mary            1d Convicts Infant  1808 John & Ann nee Pugh                                                0818 
02/04/1808 BURNE          Patrick            NSWCorps Private 1796 'Marquis Cornwallis'       former convict                          0819 
22/04/1808 PINROSE        John               Convict          1803 'Rolla'                                                            0820 
24/04/1808 TOWN           Rebecca        10w Convicts Infant  1808 John & Sarah Gordon                                                0821 
01/05/1808 LILLYPOO       David                                                                                                        
08/05/1808 CONNOBOY       Patrick        41y Emancipist       1793 'Sugar Cane'                                                        
13/05/1808 GAMESTER       John               Infant                                                                                    
22/05/1808 MOORE          John                                                                                                         
22/05/1808 MOREY          Maria Jane         Convicts Infant  1808 William & Ann Inman                                       
22/05/1808 MORLEY         Elizabeth       6y Convicts Child   1802 Joseph & Ann nee Yates                                    
30/05/1808 BAKER          Thomas         58y Convict          1798 'Britannia'                                                         
10/06/1808 BROWN          John                                                                                                         
16/06/1808 SLOPER         James              Emancipist       1791 'Active'                                                            
18/06/1808 HOPKINS        John               Infant                                                                                    
20/06/1808 PARSONS        James          11y Soldiers Child   1796 Henry & Mary nee Swain                                    
27/06/1808 SPENCER        David              Emancipist       1800 'Royal Admiral'                                                     
21/07/1808 ROBINSON       Jane               Convict          1806 'William Pitt'                                                      
22/07/1808 TUZO           Eleanor                                                                                                      
26/07/1808 MURPHY         Peter              Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'                                                       
26/07/1808 SIMON          Peter                                                                                                        
01/08/1808 TAYLOR         Richard            NSWCorps Private 1793                                                                     
05/08/1808 HEAP           George William                                                                                               
07/08/1808 SCOTT          Walter                                                                                                       
22/08/1808 INNIS          William                                                                                                      
11/08/1808 KELLY          Gregory            Sailor                                                                                    
13/08/1808 HAYES          James              Sailor                                                                                    
28/08/1808 BRITTON        Samuel             Convict          1800 'Royal Admiral'            Seven Hills                             0822 
30/08/1808 COOKSEY        Sarah              Convict          1806 'Tellicherry'                                                      0823 
12/09/1808 FLOOD          Joseph         41y Emancipist       1793 'Boddingtons'                                                      0824 
20/09/1808 HUMM           Joseph         51y NSWCorps Corporal 1791 Third Fleet                                                       0825 
19/10/1808 DELFER         William        36y                                                                                          0826 
15/10/1808 HUME           Andrew          6y Settlers Child   1802 Andrew & Elizabeth nee Kennedy                                     0827 
22/10/1808 LARCOMBE       John           67y Emancipist       1790 'Neptune'                                                          0828 
22/11/1808 BROWN          Mary           43y                                                                                          0829 
15/12/1808 WILLEY         Sarah          42y                                                                                          0831 
24/12/1808 YORK           William         3m Convicts Child   1808 William Cosgrove & Mary York                                       0832 
05/01/1809 BLACK          Owen           42y Convict          1803 'Rolla'                                                            0833 
27/01/1809 THOMPSON       John           45y Convict          1809 'Duke of Portland'                                                 0834 
30/01/1809 RASBERRY       Elizabeth      22y Convict          1807 'Sydney Cove'                                                      0835 
21/03/1809 BRIANT         Elizabeth      13d Infant           1809                                                                    0836 
09/04/1809 COWAN          Thomas         30y Emancipist       1793 'Boddingtons'                                                      0837 
09/04/1809 HAYWARD        Benjamin        6m Infant           1808                                                                    0838 
09/04/1809 LONGFORD       Richard         7d Child            1809                                                                    0839 
10/04/1809 STOKES         George             Emancipist       1791 'William & Ann'                                                    
16/04/1809 CHAPMAN        Sarah          28y                                                                                          0840 
15/05/1809 ADAMS          William         4d Infant           1809                                                                    0841 
21/05/1809 DELAP          Mary           17y Convict          1809 'Aeolus'                                                           0842 
26/05/1809 FARRINGTON     Elizabeth Mrs  27y Convict          1803 'HMS Glatton'              ux Richard nee Phillips                 0843 
13/08/1809 BRIANT         Judith         40y Emancipist       1797 'Britannia'                                                        0844 
04/09/1809 MARR           Daniel         80y                                                                                          0845 
29/11/1809 GRAY           Edward         30y Convict          1797 'Britannia'                                                        0846 
10/01/1810 HOLLOGAN       Francis        40y Emancipist       1791 'Admiral Barrington'                                               0847 
25/01/1810 BROCK          Elizabeth       4w Convicts Infant  1809 Michael & Isabella Ellis                                           0848 
23/02/1810 HODGSON        John           54y Emancipist       1792 'Royal Admiral'                                                    0849 
30/03/1810 BAGNEL         Michael        40y                                                                                          0851 
06/04/1810 BEARD          Mary           56y                                                                                          0850 
15/06/1810 HATHAWAY       Sarah          10m Convicts Infant  1810 William & Mary Hooper                                              0852 
26/06/1810 METCALF        John           50y Emancipist       1790 'Neptune'                                                          0853 
30/06/1810 SMITH          Mary           51y                                                                                          0854 
03/07/1810 PARKER         Robert         10m Infant           1809                                                                    0855 
13/07/1810 SEARS          Benjamin       66y                                                                                          0856 
21/07/1810 McLUCAS        George        3y6m Convicts Child   1807 Daniel & Abigail Johnson                                           0857 
25/07/1810 LOWRIE         James          55y Convict          1793 'Boddingtons'                                                      0858 
02/08/1810 GRUBB          John           26y Convict          1810 'Anne'                                                             0859 
02/08/1810 GARLAND        Mary Ann        3y Convicts Child   1807 James & Esther Merriman                                            0860 
08/08/1810 HARRIS         Susannah       40y Convict          1807 'Sydney Cove'                                                      0861 
15/08/1810 CASH           Samuel         58y                                                                                          0862 
26/09/1810 CHATFIELD      Joseph         58y Free Man                                                                                 0863 
[0647] late officer of HM West India Regiment 
SG   burial recorded in the Sydney Gazette (4)

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