The first burial was performed at St Johns on the 10th January 1826. During
the remainder of the decade there were 40 more burials performed.
The information recorded for each burial is as follows:
burial date
Christian name
family name
civil status at time of death
year and ship of arrival
reference number
Various miscellaneous remarks in the register have been recorded as 'end-notes'
at the bottom of the list.
The burials are listed in chronological order.
The Rev Mathew Devenish Meares was appointed as the chaplain to St Johns
Wilberforce on the 1st August 1825.
The records for the year 1825 have not been found if they existed at all. The
first existing recorded burial was performed on the 10th January 1826 by the
Rev Meares who continued to perform all burials until the end of the decade.
In the original register the standard information recorded was; burial date,
family name and Christian name of the deceased, age, place of abode, civil
status, quality or profession (occasionally) and the officiating minister.
The year and ship of arrival have been heavily researched outside the parish
The record of David Brown's burial is duplicated in St Matthews Windor's
register and is probably in error as Rev Meares performed a burial in
Pitt Town on that day.
For the colonial born their year of birth and parents names are recorded in
the ship of arrival column.
The reference number would direct the reader to the relevant entry in the
original source document. The reference numbers for St Johns run sequentially
from 0001 to 0041 at the end of the decade.
To locate an entry on this list; firstly an alphabetical search on the name
would be made on List 52 using code "SJW" from which the date of burial would
be retrieved, secondly using the appropriate date, the burial would then
be located on this list.
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