There were 2,096 baptisms performed at St Mary's Sydney during the decade,
although 177 refer to children born before 1821 and 134 refer to adult baptisms,
plus 73 performed after 1830 for children born between the years 1821 and
1830. On average there were about four baptisms performed per week over the
The information recorded for each baptism prior to 1826 includes:
date of baptism
date of birth
Christian name
father's family name
father's Christian name
father's year of arrival in the colony
father's ship of arrival in the colony
father's status upon arrival in the colony
mother's maiden name
mother's Christian name
mother's year of arrival in the colony
mother's ship of arrival in the colony
parent's civil status at the time of the child's birth
parent's marital status at the time of the child's birth
parent's year & country/church of marriage where applicable
child's place of birth
reference number
When Father Therry arrived he had no church building as such in which to conduct
his ministry. As he travelled around the colony he took his register with him,
so in a way his registers where his 'church'. The place of birth details
giving a veritable itinerary of his travels. This is why it was most important
to include this information in the list.
The mother's 'status upon arrival in the colony' column has had to be removed
to make room for the child's place of birth. The information in the deleted
column is available in any case from List 1.
Various miscellaneous remarks in the register have been recorded as 'end-notes'
at the bottom of the list.
The list is presented in chronological order by date of baptism then
alphabetically by father's surname.
The information recorded for each baptism after 1826 includes:
date of baptism
date of birth
Christian name
father's family name
father's Christian name
father's year of arrival in the colony
father's ship of arrival in the colony
mother's maiden name
mother's Christian name
mother's year of arrival in the colony
mother's ship of arrival in the colony
parent's civil status at the time of the child's birth
parent's marital status at the time of the child's birth
parent's year & country/church of marriage where applicable
child's place of birth
father's occupation
reference number
After 1826 the 'quality of profession of the father' started to be recorded
in about half the cases. This necessitated the father's 'status upon arrival
in the colony' column being removed to make room for the father's occupation.
The information in the deleted column is available in any case from List 1.
The list is presented in chronological order by date of baptism then
alphabetically by father's surname.
With regard to the fathers; the names of 19 were not recorded and the arrival
details of a further 229 remain unknown whilst in 29 cases the ship of arrival
remains unknown (12%).
Nine hundred and ninety one were convicts or former convicts (47%), 349
were soldiers or former soldiers (16%), 74 came free (4%) and 95 were colonial
born (5%).
With regard to the mothers; the names of 27 were not recorded and the arrival
details of 208 remain unknown whilst in 57 cases the ship of arrival remains
unknown (12%).
Five hundred and forty six were convicts or former convicts (26%), 537
came free (25%) and 334 were colonial born (16%).
Five hundred and seventeen (25%) of the births were illegitimate.
There were 102 duplicate entries, which gives a very clear indication
of the sectarian divide between Protestants and Catholics which existed
in the colony at the time. Catholic parents were obviously keen to have their
children re-baptized once a Catholic priest arrived in the colony. Many were
also duplicates of entries in St Mary's registers, reflecting the general
state of confusion of the record keeping.
The reference number would direct the reader to the relevant entry in the
original source document. For some reason numbers 443 to 456 have been
duplicated. On the other hand sixteen numbers have been left blank:
There are four series of baptisms in the St Mary's Archive microfilm at
the National Library in Canberra (125, 126, 127, 128) but it is difficult
to determine which if any is the original and which is a transcription.
The details are very similar but not identical.
For the purpose of this work series "125" has been taken as the baseline and
entries from the other three series not appearing in it have been added with
the letters "B", "C" & "D" prefixed to the consecutive reference number.
Although it must be said that Series "125" appears least likely to be the
original because it has the most transcription errors, most worryingly
confusing sponsors with mothers and occasionally fathers.
Series "125" on the microfilm is a list in eight columns:
When baptized
When born
Child's Christian name
Parent's names
Quality or profession of father
By whom ceremony performed
The "When born" column was only recorded after 1826, before that year, the
birth year is assumed to be the same as the baptism year and is indicated
by double asterices (**) however there is every chance that this may not be
Unlike the Anglican registers the mothers maiden name is also invariably
recorded but it is not stated if the parents were in fact married or not.
Up to 1826 only regiments serving in the colony are mentioned in the "Quality
or profession of father" column and even after 1826 rarely is this information
Sponsors are not reproduced in this list.
To add to the confusion and difficulty of trying to decipher the register, it
was not uncommon for more than one child to be recorded in a single entry,
making it hard to sort out as to who was the child, father, mother or sponsors.
The swapping of the parents surnames was not uncommon as well as confusion with
the Christian names of the child and parents.
Unfortunately often there are no details at all of the baptism other than
the child's name and the date it occurred. Perhaps the original list has been
lost and only a partial transcription survives.
After Father Conolly departed in March 1821, Father Therry was the only
officiating minister for the whole of the period under review but in 1827
Father Daniel Powers performed numerous baptisms.
The second list is Series "127" and is narrative rather than columnar.
The large number of adult baptisms is indicative of active proselytizing
by the Catholic priests. These were normally identified by a lack of sponsors
and parental details.
Theologically speaking it is not possible to be baptized twice so many of the
adult "baptisms" in this series, which are conspicuously absent from the
first "125" series, are referred to as being "received into the church" and
they do not have sponsors.
The third list is Series "128" and is also narrative rather than columnar and
is very similar to Series "127".
Entries on this list have the reference identifier "SMS" on List 1. To locate
an entry on this list; firstly an alphabetical search on the name would be
made on List 1 from which the date of baptism would be retrieved, secondly using
the appropriate date, the baptism would be located on this list and finally
an alphabetical search on the name would be made on the baptismal date if
there should be more than one entry for that date.
As explained in Volume 3 Father Conolly performed 31 baptisms in Sydney in
1821 before departing for Hobart in March and taking his church register with
him. Since all births were assumed to have taken place before 1821 they have
not been repeated in this volume.
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