Marriage-- Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride---------------------------------------------------- Consent- Ref.
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Given By No.
23/02/1828 EALES John 1823 Competi'r Came Free LAVERS Jane Colonial Born Parents 0001
18/08/1829 THOMAS Henry 1822 Asia Emancip't 27 LEWIS Catherine 1828 Competi'r Convict 19 Governor 0002
15/04/1830 FOY Edward 1823 ESVincent Emancip't 28 WALSH al HOGAN Mary al Bridget1829 Edward Convict 28 Governor 0003
16/04/1830 REID John 1820 ESVincent ConvictTL 32 GRAHAM/BOARDMAN Jane 1820 Janus Emancip't 25 Governor 0004
19/08/1830 YAW James 1820 Hadlow Emancip't 24 KIRBY Mary 1828 Elizabeth Convict 25 Governor 0005
19/09/1830 BRENNAN John 1819 Minerva Emancip't 45 -/CARROLL Ann 1827 Brothers Convict 32 Governor 0006
20/09/1830 CLARKE George 1829 Norfolk Convict 21 MURRY Ann 1829 Sovereign Convict 30 Governor 0007
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