The "New South Wales Pioneer Index : 1788-1888" database contains several
Wesley-Methodist baptisms. But unfortunately the relevant 'church' register
from which they were recorded has not been located on the National Libraries
microfilms, so information such as the actual date of the baptism and the person
who performed it has not been found.
There were 95 such baptisms identified spread over a wide area of the colony
including Sydney, Windsor, Liverpool, Field of Mars, but also Bathurst and
Maitland not to mention Melbourne, New Zealand and Tonga. Five baptisms
referred to children born before 1821.
The information recorded for each baptism includes:
date of birth
Christian name
father's family name
father's Christian name
father's year of arrival in the colony
father's ship of arrival in the colony
father's status upon arrival in the colony
mother's maiden name
mother's Christian name
mother's year of arrival in the colony
mother's ship of arrival in the colony
mother's status upon arrival in the colony
parent's civil status at the time of the child's birth
parent's marital status at the time of the child's birth
parent's year & country/church of marriage where applicable
child's place of birth
reference number
The list is presented in reference number order.
With regard to the fathers; the names of three were not recorded and the arrival
details of a further 21 remain unknown whilst in one case the ship of arrival
remains unknown (23%).
Twenty eight were convicts or former convicts (29%), 3 were soldiers or
former soldiers (3%), 35 came free (37%) and 8 were colonial born (8%).
With regard to the mothers; the names of 21 were not recorded and the arrival
details of a further 22 remain unknown whilst in one case the ship of arrival
remains unknown (24%).
Twelve were convicts or former convicts (13%), 29 came free (31%) and
32 were colonial born (34%).
Three (3%) of the births were illegitimate.
There were 24 duplicate entries, indicating a growing influence of the non
conformist Protestant churches in the colony.
One notable feature of these baptisms is the large number of missionaries
included in their total; the Reverends Benajmin Carvosso, George Erskine,
John Harper, William Horton, John Hutchinson, Walter Lawry, Ralph Mansfield,
William Walker & John Weiss.
Where the mother's surname has a second name separated by a slash, the
surname after the slash is her married name at the time of the recording
being made if she was married more than once.
The reference number would direct the reader to the relevant entry in the
original source document.
Entries on this list have the reference identifier "W-M" on List 1. To locate
an entry on this list; firstly an alphabetical search on the name would be
made on List 1 from which the date of baptism would be retrieved, secondly using
the appropriate date, the baptism would be located on this list and finally
an alphabetical search on the name would be made on the baptismal date if
there should be more than one entry for that date.
Appended to this list is a repeat of 37 Wesleyan Methodist baptisms
transcribed into St Phillips Sydney register via a certificate from Wesleyan
ministers. Several even came from Van Diemens Land.
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