Marriage-- Cch Bride---------------------------------------------------- Groom---------------------------------------------------- Ref.
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age No.
21/12/1800 SPS JACKIN Phebay LACHLIN Nathan 0291
31/10/1796 SJP JACKSON Catherine 1792 Kitty Convict 22 TARLINGTON John 1791 Matilda Emancip't 30 0144
20/02/1788 SPS JACKSON Mary 1788 L Penrhyn Convict 32 LEARY John 1788 Scarbor'h Convict 26 0025
19/08/1799 SJP JACKSON Sarah 1798 Britannia Convict 41 JOYCE William 1791 Alberma'e Pardoned 0204
21/08/1796 SPS JAMES Elizabeth Ann PARROTT James 1791 Wil & Ann Convict 0223
16/04/1797 SPS JARMEY Ann 1791 Mary Ann Emancip't 19 HOWELL/HOLLOWAY Samuel 1790 Scarbor'h Emancip't 32 0244
25/09/1791 SJP JENKINS Ann SHARPLESS George 1791 Atlantic Convict 0030
16/02/1796 SJP JOHNSON Catherine 1794 Surprise Convict 34 TYLER Thomas 1791 Queen Soldier 0129
12/05/1793 SPS JOHNSON Elizabeth 1790 Neptune Convict YOUNG/ John/James 1788 Alexander Convict 31 0146
/11/1791 NI JOHNSON Mary 1790 L Juliana Convict 60 HALL Joseph 1788 Charlotte Convict 28
24/03/1788 SPS JONES/OSBORNE Elizabeth 1788 L Penrhyn Convict 29 ORFORD/HARTFORD Thomas 1788 Alexander Convict 27 0048
02/09/1790 SPS JONES Elizabeth 1790 L Juliana Convict KINDLING Daniel 1790 Scarbor'h Convict 0100
24/05/1800 SPS JONES Jane 1788 L Penrhyn Came Free 21 ROSE Thomas 1793 Bellona Came Free 20 0281
26/09/1796 SJP JONES Margaret 1796 Indispe'e Convict DAVIS Thomas 0141
25/12/1790 SPS JONES Mary 1790 2nd Fleet Convict FRANCIS William 1788 Alexander Convict 27 0115
23/01/1797 SJP JONES Mary 1791 Mary Ann Emancip't 29 O'HARA John 1790 Neptune Emancip't 30 0158
12/08/1792 SJP JONES Sophia 1791 Mary Ann Convict LEWIS John 1792 R Admiral Convict 0074
09/09/1794 SJP JONES/LEWIS Sophia 1791 Mary Ann Convict GAYTER Samuel 1791 Matilda Convict 0116
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