Date Cch Surname Christian Age Status Arrival
27/08/1790 SPS ICOMBE Samuel 35y Convict 1790 'Surprise'
24/07/1797 IKIN Obediah 15y Soldiers Child 1782 Obediah & Sarah nee Butts
15/04/1798 SPS INCH George Convicts Infant Joseph & Ann Grant
26/01/1795 NI INGRAM Benjamin Emancipist 1788 'Scarborough'
26/12/1797 SPS INNES John Sailor
30/04/1796 SPS INWOOD Philip 25y Convict 1790 'Surprise'
13/09/1795 SJP IRVING John 35y Pardoned 1788 'Lady Penrhyn'
16/03/1797 SPS ISLE Eleanor Convicts Child
02/06/1792 SJP ISTEAD Robert Convict 1792 'Pitt'
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