Birth----- Baptism--- Child--------- Mother------------------------------------------- Father------------------------------------------- Parents------- Death----- Ref
Date Date Christian Name Family Name Christian Arrival Ship & Status Family Name Christian Arrival Ship & Status Marital Status Date Id.
20/08/1803 10/06/1804 Hugh UNDERHILL Mary 1800 Speedy Convict HUGHES Hugh 1788 Alexander Convict GSdFS 17/07/1865 SJP
07/07/1803 20/08/1803 Frances Anna Maria UPJOHN Rebecca 1800 Minerva Wife COX William 1800 Minerva Officer CFmCF 1789 Wil 28/11/1803 SJP
09/05/1805 11/08/1805 Edward UPJOHN Rebecca 1800 Minerva Wife COX William 1800 Minerva Officer CFmCF 1789 Wil 18/05/1868 SJP
07/04/1807 27/07/1807 Henry George UPTON Ann 1806 Will Pitt Convict HAM George 1800 R Admiral Convict GSmFS 1806 SPS 21/12/1894 SPS
26/03/1810 22/12/1811 Ann UPTON Ann 1806 Will Pitt Convict HAM George 1800 R Admiral Convict GSmFS 1806 SPS 03/11/1879 SMW
/ /1809 Mary Ann UREN Ann 1807 Syd Cove Convict WARD Joseph 1802 Coroman'l Convict GSdFS PR-6
/ /1810 Joseph UREN Ann 1807 Syd Cove Convict WARD Joseph 1802 Coroman'l Convict GSdFS PR-6
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