This list contains the details of baptisms for children who were born between
1821 and 1830 but were baptized in churches other than the 23 featured in this
volume, which were generally founded after 1830. There are thirteen such
churches listed, nine Anglican, two Presbyterian, one Baptist & one Israelite.
There were 70 such baptisms.
Churches mentioned in this category include:
I-C : Illawarra Camden
SJB : St Johns Morton Bay
C-H : Castle Hill
L-H : Lower Hawkesbury
ACCo: Gloucester Australian Agricultural Company
SSG : St Saviours Goulburn
NI : Norfolk Island
SMWM: St Marys West Maitland
SJM : St James Melbourne
SKW : Scots Kirk Wilberforce
IRAE: Israelite Penrith
BAPT: Baptist St Andrews Sydney
SAS : Presbyterian St Andrews Sydney
The information recorded for each baptism includes:
date of baptism
date of birth
Christian name
father's family name
father's Christian name
mother's maiden name
mother's Christian name
parent's civil status at the time of the child's birth
parent's marital status at the time of the child's birth
parent's year & country/church of marriage where applicable
child's place of birth
father's arrival status/occupation
officiating minister
reference number
The parents' arrival details had to be removed to make way for other
information on the list but these are available in List 1 in any case.
The list is presented in church order as per the list above then chronological
within each church.
There were three duplicate entries.
It is not certain if Thomas, David and Hannah Etherington, given Baptist
christenings at St Andrews Sydney, arrived in the colony before 1830.
Where the mother's surname has a second name separated by a slash, the
surname after the slash is her married name at the time of the recording
being made if she was married more than once.
The reference number would direct the reader to the relevant entry in the
original source document.
It is ironic that the very last baptism I recorded whilst researching
for this project was that of John Arndell because one of the first books I
ever bought when starting out on my fascination with early colonial genealogy
was The Pioneers of Portland Head which concerned itself principally with the
Arndell family. My research would appear to have come full circle.
Entries on this list have one of the reference identifiers as listed above.
To locate an entry on this list; firstly an alphabetical search on the
name would be made on List 1 from which the date of baptism would be retrieved,
secondly using the appropriate church & date, the baptism would be located
on this list and finally an alphabetical search on the name would be made on
the baptismal date if there should be more than one entry for that date.
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