Marriage-- Cch Bride---------------------------------------------------- Groom----------------------------------------------------
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age
29/10/1810 SMW HACKETT Ann 1794 Colonial Born 16 ROSE Joshua 1793 Bellona Came Free 27
16/07/1810 SDH HALL/SIMPSON Charlotte 1790 L Juliana Convict 41 McGINNIS Hugh 1791 Queen Convict
22/03/1810 SPS HALL Eleanor 1808 Speke Convict CONNOR James 1806 Fortune 102ndReg
18/02/1810 SJP HALL Elizabeth 1802 Coroman'l Came Free 17 FLEMING Henry 1791 Colonial Born 19
19/01/1807 SJP HALL Mary 1796 Indispe'e Convict CAHILL John 1797 Britannia Convict
10/11/1804 SPS HALL Theodorha/Mary 1803 H Glatton ConvictTL COLBORNE Benjamin 1792 R Admiral Emancip't
27/06/1808 SDH HAMBLEY Elizabeth 1794 Colonial Born 14 DUNCOMBE John 1791 Alberma'e Emancip't
11/06/1810 SPS -/HARDING Mary 1809 Aeolus Convict 35 EARLEY Henry 1801 Minorca 73rdReg
30/04/1810 SPS -/HARDY Mary 1809 Indispe'e Convict 35 STORER/ Thomas 1791 Alberma'e Emancip't 62
26/08/1804 SPS HARE Elizabeth HASTING George 1804 Coroman'l Convict
11/04/1808 SJP HARRIGAN-WADE Sarah 1793 Colonial Born 15 RAY William 1791 Alberma'e Emancip't 35
12/03/1810 SPS -/HARRIS Catharine 1791 Mary Ann Emancip't JOHNSON Edward 1791 Atlantic 102ndReg
06/04/1807 SJP HARRIS Elizabeth 1806 Will Pitt Convict WILKINSON John 1800 R Admiral Emancip't
24/03/1810 SPS HARRIS Rosetta 1804 Experim't Convict CAPY James 1790 Surprise 102ndReg
22/03/1810 SPS HARRISON Ann 1809 Indispe'e Convict BYRNE James
24/03/1810 SPS HARRISON Charlotte 1807 Y William Came Free CLARKE/ Charles 1807 D Portl'd Convict
30/03/1810 SPS HARRISON/CRUMP Mary 1794 Surprise Emancip't 39 BARTON/ Thomas 1801 E Cornw's Emancip't
06/11/1809 SDH HARRISON Mildred 1803 H Glatton Convict 31 WILLIAMS William 1803 H Calcu'a Convict 26
28/11/1803 SDH HARVEY Hannah 1803 H Calcu'a Came Free GARRETT Richard 1803 H Calcu'a Convict 21
30/11/1807 SJP HAYES Margaret 1806 Tellich'y Convict PARSONS Richard 1802 Perseus Convict
28/12/1807 SJP HAYNES Maria 1788 P o Wales Came Free 37 HAYWOOD John 1799 Hillsbo'h Convict 29
04/01/1804 SJP HAYNES Sarah 1803 H Glatton Convict 25 HOLMES William 1801 E Cornw's Convict 31
13/11/1810 SJP HEADY Hannah 1810 Canada Convict GRIMES William 1800 R Admiral Emancip't 47
30/07/1804 SDH -/HEELS Jane 1803 H Calcu'a Came Free HANGAN John 1803 H Calcu'a Convict 28
09/03/1810 SPS HEMSLEY Mary 1803 H Glatton Emancip't COLLINAN John 1802 Hercules 102ndReg
18/04/1802 SPS HERBERT Catherine 1800 Speedy Convict 28 WINDSOR Charles 1790 Neptune NSWCorps 32
14/02/1804 SJP EDDIS Mary 1803 H Glatton Emancip't JARVIS Joseph 1797 Ganges Convict 31
02/09/1803 SJP HILL Ann 1801 E Cornw's Convict 19 JONES Thomas
14/02/1808 SPS HILL Catherine 1806 Tellich'y Convict 26 BROWN John
18/03/1805 SJP HILL Martha 1800 Speedy Convict 32 CONDERAN John 1800 Minerva Convict
31/10/1808 SDH HILL-THOMAS Mary 1794 Colonial Born 14 McCOY John 1792 Pitt Convict 34
23/01/1804 SJP HINES/CLARKE Ann 1796 Indispe'e Emancip't ABBOTT Thomas 1791 Alberma'e Convict
08/04/1810 SJP HINKS Elizabeth 1808 Speke Convict 27 MOSS John 1792 Pitt Convict 33
19/11/1810 SMW HIPWELL Mary 1791 Mary Ann Emancip't 45 GOSPER Thomas 1790 Surprise Emancip't 47
17/12/1810 SPS -/HIRNAS Sarah 1808 Speke Convict 26 TIERNAN Patrick 1803 Rolla Emancip't
17/02/1805 SDH HOBBS Ann Jane 1803 Ocean Came Free 17 HARRIS George Prideux 1803 H Calcu'a Official 29
08/10/1808 SDH HOBBS Charity 1803 Ocean Came Free 18 COLLINS William 1803 Ocean Settler 48
01/07/1804 SDH HOBBS Rebecca 1803 Ocean Came Free 17 INGLE John 1803 Ocean Official 23
10/04/1810 SJP HOLLAND Letitia 1791 Mary Ann Emancip't WRIGHT James 1788 Scarbor'h Emancip't 48
22/03/1807 SPS HOLLET Jane 1801 E Cornw's Emancip't HARDING Henry 1803 H Glatton Convict
25/12/1806 SJP HOLLINGSWORTH Elizabeth 1804 Experim't Convict 27 DEAN William 1799 Hillsbo'h Convict
05/01/1801 SPS HOLMES Anne 1792 R Admiral Emancip't BOWEN William 1797 H Relia'e Came Free
26/01/1805 SPS HOLMES Rebecca 1804 Experim't Convict HARRAL Johnathan
06/03/1810 SPS HOOK Mary 1790 L Juliana Emancip't 39 HUMM Daniel 1790 Scarbor'h 102ndReg 43
11/06/1805 SJP HOPE Elizabeth 1803 H Glatton Convict JONES Richard 1802 Coroman'l Convict
03/04/1810 SPS HOPKINS Sarah 1808 Speke Convict FERRIS Alexander 1809 H Drome'y 102ndReg
28/07/1805 SPS HORTLE Martha 1791 Salamader Came Free 19 JOHNS Daniel 1793 Bodding's Came Free 27
10/07/1810 SPS HOSBORNE-LAYCOCK Sarah 1788 Colonial Born 22 BARTON Richard 1792 Pitt Emancip't
17/08/1801 NI HOWARD Ann 1790 L Juliana Emancip't 39 LUCAS Thomas 1788 Scarbor'h Free Man 41
29/07/1806 SPS HOWE/COLEMAN Mary 1800 Minerva Came Free 25 SPEARS William 1801 E Cornw's NSWCorps 33
01/04/1810 SJP -/HOWE Mary 1809 Indispe'e Convict 26 GRANNAN James 1800 Minerva Convict
08/07/1803 SJP HOWELL Jane 1803 H Glatton Convict 15 MILLER John 1801 E Cornw's Convict 33
03/12/1810 SDH HOWMAN-McCLOUD Ann 1795 Colonial Born 15 BRIGGS Benjamin 1791 Matilda Emancip't 52
07/08/1810 SMW HUBBARD Ann 1790 Colonial Born 20 NASH William 1798 Barwell Emancip't 27
25/06/1810 SPS HUDDLESTON Ann 1803 H Glatton Emancip't JACKSON Henry 1806 Fortune Convict
07/05/1810 SDH HUGHES/HUSSEY Ann/Frances 1788 P o Wales Emancip't 55 PATTERSON George James 1803 H Calcu'a Convict
04/06/1810 SPS -/HUGHES Ann 1806 Will Pitt Convict GEARY/ Patrick 1797 Britannia InvalidCo
11/06/1810 SPS HUGHES Jane 1803 H Glatton Emancip't PRIESTLEY Abraham 1792 R Admiral 73rdReg
01/02/1807 SPS HUGHES Margaret 1800 R Admiral Came Free 17 TERNAN William 1790 Scarbor'h Came Free 25
27/08/1804 SJP HUTCHINSON Ann 1800 Minerva Convict 25 COTTEN Nathaniel 1800 Minerva NSWCorps 32
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