Marriage-- Cch Bride---------------------------------------------------- Groom----------------------------------------------------
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age
03/04/1810 SPS RALPH Ann 1806 Will Pitt Convict WILLIAMS Barnard 1809 D Portl'd Convict 37
31/01/1810 SJP RAMSAY-LODER Jane 1793 Colonial Born 17 YOUL John 1800 R Admiral Mission'y 37
28/08/1804 SJP RANDALL Sarah 1794 Surprise Emancip't 41 MORGAN Morgan 1791 Atlantic Emancip't
13/08/1810 SMW RAVENSCROFT Susannah 1804 Experim't Convict RANDALL John 1797 Ganges Convict 34
12/11/1810 SPS -/READY Susannah 1809 Indispe'e Convict SPENCER/ Thomas 1788 Scarbor'h Free Man
08/08/1808 SDH REARDON Frances 1794 Colonial Born 14 WILLIAMS Thomas 1803 H Calcu'a Convict 39
20/02/1805 SJP REECE Margarett 1804 Experim't Convict 43 DAVIS Charles 1799 Hillsbo'h Convict 27
02/04/1810 SJP REILEY Catherine 1809 Experim't Convict HAWKINS William 1808 A Gambier Convict
27/04/1807 SJP REYNOLDS Mary Ann 1806 Will Pitt Came Free DOWLING George 1800 R Admiral Convict 27
18/06/1810 SPS RICE Ann 1801 Nile Emancip't PRICE John 1809 H Dro/Hin 73rdReg
04/01/1808 SJP RICH Elizabeth 1806 Alexander Convict 20 HINDLEY John 1800 R Admiral Emancip't
01/10/1810 SPS RICHARDS Elizabeth 1794 Colonial Born 16 PRESTON John 1809 H Dro/Hin 73rdReg
25/12/1803 SPS RILEY Catherine 1790 L Juliana Came Free 17 LEE John 1791 Matilda Convict
25/07/1802 SPS RILEY Elizabeth 1802 Hercules Came Free 16 KEMP/ Esq. Anthony Fenn 1795 Officer 29
07/05/1810 SJP RILEY Mary 1809 Experim't Emancip't 52 CLUFFE Thomas 1806 Tellich'y Convict 60
05/05/1810 SDH RISBY Susannah 1796 Colonial Born 14 HEATH Thomas 1803 H Calcu'a Convict 21
08/10/1808 SDH RISLEY Maria 1804 Experim't Convict 27 LORD Edward 1803 H Calcu'a Officer 27
26/02/1810 SPS -/ROBERTSON Catharine 1807 Syd' Cove Convict JENKINS William 1788 Charlotte Emancip't 48
14/07/1805 SPS ROBINSON Elizabeth MILES William
01/03/1807 SPS ROBINSON Elizabeth 1806 Will Pitt Convict 31 PHELPS Richard 1800 R Admiral Convict 28
26/04/1810 SPS ROBINSON Sarah 1801 E Cornw's Emancip't 26 CROFT Joseph 1791 Alberma'e Pardoned 40
/ /1806 ROBLEY Elizabeth 1792 Colonial Born 14 ROBINSON Michael Massey 1798 Barwell Pardoned 62
26/01/1806 SPS ROBSON Frances/Mary 1801 E Cornw's Convict McCOY James 1800 R Admiral Convict
18/11/1810 SMW ROCHE Elizabeth 1806 Fortune Came Free PEARSON Ralph 1802 Atlas Emancip't
21/10/1801 NI ROCK Anne 1790 L Juliana Emancip't 52 HUNT Thomas Martin 1801 E Cornw's Convict
27/02/1807 SPS RODMAN Mary 1803 H Glatton Convict McDONNAH Matthew 1801 E Cornw's Convict
12/09/1808 SPS -/ROGERS Ann 1803 H Glatton Emancip't 44 McEVER Thomas 1801 Anne Convict 30
22/05/1809 SDH RONAY/REARDON Hannah 1790 L Juliana Emancip't 53 HORNE William 1803 H Calcu'a Convict 46
16/03/1807 SJP ROOKLIFFE Martha WRIGHT Edmund 1801 Canada Convict
15/03/1808 SPS ROSCHINSKY Charlotte 1807 Syd' Cove Convict 25 BOWLEN Michael 1802 Atlas Convict
09/02/1807 SJP ROSE/GREEN Mary 1793 Bellona Came Free 25 MURRAY Henry 1804 Coroman'l Convict
29/11/1802 SJP ROSS Mary 1801 Nile Convict ALLAM William
02/05/1803 SG -/ROURKE Catherine 1793 SugarCane Emancip't 30 SIMPSON Henry 1801 E Cornw's Convict
03/05/1807 SPS ROWLEY Isabella 1792 Colonial Born 15 ELLISON William Officer
29/06/1807 SJP RUMBLE Sarah 1806 Will Pitt Convict 20 REEVES Robert 1801 E Cornw's Convict 37
01/11/1810 SJP RUSE Susannah 1797 Colonial Born 13 HARRIGADDY Patrick 1807 D Portl'd Convict 22
09/08/1807 SPS -/RUSSELL Eleanor 1807 Syd' Cove Convict McGUIGAN Simon 1797 Britannia Emancip't
16/03/1807 SJP RUSSELL Elizabeth 1806 Will Pitt Convict 14 PRICE John 1802 Coroman'l Convict 19
11/06/1810 SPS RUSSELL Mary 1808 Speke Convict CARLEY James 1808 Recovery InvalidCo
08/01/1810 SPS RYAN Elizabeth 1794 Colonial Born 16 CONNOR Roger 1790 Neptune Came Free 32
21/03/1810 SPS RYAN Margaret 1801 Nile Emancip't BYRNE Thomas 1800 Minerva 102ndReg
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