Marriage-- Cch Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride----------------------------------------------------
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age
11/06/1810 SPS EARLEY Henry 1801 Minorca 73rdReg -/HARDING Mary 1809 Aeolus Convict 35
03/10 1804 SJP EDWARDS Edward 1801 Ocean Came Free ANTHONY Mary Ann 1801 Minorca Came Free
03/08/1804 SJP EDWARDS Rowland 1791 A Barri'n Emancip't 41 FLETCHER Jane 1804 Experim't Convict
19/07/1808 SJP ELDER James 1800 R Admiral Mission'y 36 SMITH Mary 1798 Barwell Came Free 18
04/02/1805 SJP ELKINS Matthew Andrew 1802 Perseus Convict 25 MOSS Mary 1804 Experim't Convict 21
03/05/1807 SPS ELLISON William Officer ROWLEY Isabella 1792 Colonial Born 15
16/11/1802 SJP EMERY John 1792 Pitt Emancip't CLARKE Ann 1800 Speedy Convict 30
09/10/1805 SJP ETSELL William 1791 A Barri'n Emancip't POWELL/MOLEE Elizabeth 1792 R Admiral Emancip't 32
23/04/1810 SPS EVERETT John 1801 Minorca Emancip't -/WILDGRASS Judith 1809 Indispe'e Convict 56
21/12/1806 SPS EWING Isaac 1791 Atlantic NSWCorps -/EDLEY Elizabeth 1804 Coroman'l 1 of 5
06/11/1804 SJP EYLES Joseph 1801 Canada Convict 31 DIXON Elizabeth 1803 H Glatton Convict
24/07/1810 SPS EYSE John 1801 Canada Emancip't COURSER/BARRINGTON Georgehina 1808 Speke Convict 38
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