Marriage-- Cch Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride----------------------------------------------------
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age
07/02/1801 SJP L'ANDRE Antoine 1800 R Admiral Pr' o War 30 POULTER/COOK Ann 1800 R Admiral Came Free 27
22/12/1807 SPS LAMBE Edward John 1806 Alexander Came Free 32 JAMIESON Elizabeth 1793 Colonial Born 14
19/03/1810 SPS LANDSLEY Thomas 1790 Neptune 102ndReg 24 KING Mary 1806 Will Pitt Convict
25/12/1804 SPS LANE George 1801 E Cornw's Convict 31 DINNEY Bridget 1803 H Glatton Convict
13/10/1807 SPS LANE James 1806 Fortune Convict 29 MAHONEY Mary 1806 Alexander Convict 14
25/04/1810 SJP LANGSHAW William DICK Margaret
26/12/1807 SPS LARK Andrew 1798 Barwell Emancip't 49 KINNOCK Susannah
26/04/1810 SPS LAURIE John 1806 Fortune Convict 24 BOCKERAH Sarah 1792 Colonial Born 18
26/05/1807 SJP LAWRENCE Nathaniel 1797 Ganges Emancip't 39 DOYLE Margaret 1803 Rolla Convict
02/03/1808 SPS LAWRENCE Thomas Greenwood 1807 S' Cove Convict 22 LEE Mary Ann 1807 Syd' Cove Convict 19
01/06/1809*SPS LAYCOCK Thomas 1791 H Gorgon 102ndReg 23 BUNKER Isabella 1806 Elizabeth Came Free 22
21/03/1810 SPS LAYCOCK Thomas 1791 H Gorgon 102ndReg 24 BUNKER Isabella 1806 Elizabeth Came Free 23
25/12/1803 SPS LEE John 1791 Matilda Convict RILEY Catherine 1790 L Juliana Came Free 17
06/04/1807 SJP LEE John 1791 H Gorgon Emancip't CONNORTHY Mary 1802 Hercules Convict 22
31/10/1803 SJP LEES Thomas 1801 Canada Convict 39 STAPLES Amey 1803 H Glatton Convict 31
20/11/1809 SPS LEESE John 1797 Ganges Free Man 33 STEPHENS Mary 1801 E Cornw's Emancip't 34
24/05/1807 SPS LEIGHTON John 1804 Coroman'l Convict LLOYD Ann 1804 Experim't Convict
29/03/1807 SPS LETT Stafford 1799 Hillsbo'h Convict 28 BLUNDEL Sophia 1804 Experim't Convict 16
18/01/1807 SPS LEVISTON William NSWCorps GIBBS Ann 1803 H Glatton Convict
04/07/1808 SPS LEWIS George 1802 Coroman'l Emancip't 30 FREDERICK Sarah 1803 H Glatton CameFree ?11
20/04/1807 SDH LEWIS James 1799 Hillsbo'h Emancip't SHADWICK Susannah 1801 E Cornw's Convict
26/04/1810 SPS LEWIS Joseph 1788 Alexander 102ndReg -/FRAZIER Ann
24/10/1803 SJP LEWIS William 1791 Atlantic Emancip't 31 WHEELER Harriett
01/10/1810 SMW LIDDLE William 1791 Queen Emancip't 43 PARSONS/RIDEOUT Mary 1792 Pitt Emancip't 42
03/02/1803 SJP LINDSEY Edward 1798 Barwell Convict 31 MARTIN Jane 1802 Atlas Convict
20/09/1810 SPS LINDSEY/ Edward 1798 Barwell Emancip't 38 TURNER Catherine 1798 Colonial Born 12
21/12/1807 SJP LIQUORISH John 1798 Barwell Emancip't 39 TONKS Rachel 1791 Mary Ann Emancip't
27/08/1804 SJP LISSON Thomas 1792 R Admiral Convict 33 BRADWELL Ann 1804 Experim't Convict 34
11/01/1807 SDH LITTLEFIELD Thomas Figgit 1803 Ocean Servant COCKERELL Ann Elizabeth 1803 Ocean Came Free 14
23/12/1807 SPS LLOYD David 1792 R Admiral Emancip't 37 BUTTERWORTH Jane 1806 Will Pitt Convict
18/10/1807 SPS LODER James 1791 Active Emancip't 41 MARSHALL Martha 1794 Surprise Emancip't 39
22/03/1810 SPS LODWICK James 1807 D Portl'd 102ndReg JOHNSTON Mary 1809 Aeolus Convict
08/10/1808 SDH LORD Edward 1803 H Calcu'a Officer 27 RISLEY Maria 1804 Experim't Convict 27
06/03/1810 SPS LOVEDAY Edward 1791 Wil & Ann 102ndReg 48 SHADWICK Hannah 1800 Speedy Emancip't 33
23/09/1805 NI LOWE James 1798 Barwell Convict 27 STANDLEY Mary 1792 Colonial Born 13
17/08/1801 NI LUCAS Thomas 1788 Scarbor'h Free Man 41 HOWARD Ann 1790 L Juliana Emancip't 39
13/08/1810 SMW LUTHERBORROW Paul 1798 Barwell Emancip't 33 JACKSON Ann 1806 Will Pitt Convict 31
11/10/1810 SPS LYONS Cornelius 1803 Rolla Emancip't -/WILSON Bridget 1810 Canada Convict 33
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