Marriage-- Cch Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride----------------------------------------------------
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age
07/03/1810 SPS MACKEY/ James 1797 Ganges 102ndReg 43 -/PAGE Mary 1794 Surprise Emancip't 43
24/11/1806 SJP MANDER Robert 1806 Alexander Convict JOHNSON Mary Ann
13/09/1801 SPS MANN David Dickinson 1799 Hillsbo' Convict 26 WHEELER Elizabeth
25/02/1805 SDH MANSFIELD Michael 1803 Ocean Seaman 28 CHILVERS Sophia 1803 Ocean Came Free 20
11/11/1807 SPS MANSFIELD/ Thomas Davis 1791 Matilda Emancip't 51 SIDWELL Isabella 1806 Will Pitt Convict
04/12/1809 SDH MANSFIELD William 1803 H Calcu'a Convict 30 NICHOLS Maria 1803 Ocean Came Free 13
05/10/1807 SPS MARKWELL Thomas 1790 Scarbor'h Emancip't 37 CHESHIRE Ann Maria 1792 Colonial Born 15
08/02/1807 SPS MARLBOROUGH Michael 1802 Atlas NSWCorps 22 MIDDLETON/BLACKMOOR Mary Colonial Born
29/10/1810 SPS MARR/ Henry 1800 R Admiral Convict 32 GORE/DRIVER Elizabeth 1801 Minorca FreeWoman 48
03/07/1805 SJP MARTIN Richard 1803 H Glatton Convict 36 IKIN Mary 1790 Surprise Came Free 21
20/04/1807 SJP MASON William 1793 Bodding's Emancip't 40 WOOLLEY/RYAN Sarah 1790 Neptune Emancip't
22/01/1810 SPS MASSEY Thomas 1791 H Gorgon Pardoned A SIMMONDS Ann 1794 Surprise Emancip't 47
06/04/1807 SJP MASTERSON John 1800 Minerva Convict 43 CONSIDANCE Mary 1803 Rolla Convict 29
03/08/1804 SJP MATTHEWS William 1791 Active Emancip't TRANE Martha 1804 Experim't Convict
08/10/1804 SJP MAUGHAN/MAUN William/James 1800 Minerva Convict 25 DIGGENS Ann/Mary 1804 Experim't Convict
06/02/1804 SJP MAYO John 1792 R Admiral Emancip't 43 WELDON Mary 1803 H Glatton Convict 34
18/08/1807 SPS MEARS Thomas Robert 1806 Fortune Convict SMITH Maria 1807 Syd' Cove Convict
21/05/1810 SJP MELLON George 1791 Wil & Ann Emancip't DONNELLY/FISHBURN Sarah 1791 Mary Ann Emancip't 45
18/06/1804 SJP MERRIMAN William WHITTICK Ann 1801 Nile Convict
09/02/1807 SJP METCALFE James 1792 R Admiral Emancip't 33 WILSON Jane 1794 Surprise Emancip't
03/11/1802 NI MIDDLETON/JENDERS George William 1791 Matil' Emancip't 44 BENON/BOND Mary/Sarah 1793 Bellona Convict 49
28/07/1805 NI MIDDLETON/JENDERS George William 1791 Matil' Emancip't 47 GARTH Mary 1789 Colonial Born 16
31/10/1803 SJP MILES Edward 1788 Scarbor'h Convict 46 SMITH Susannah 1803 H Glatton Convict
14/07/1805 SPS MILES William ROBINSON Elizabeth
08/07/1803 SJP MILLER John 1801 E Cornw's Convict 33 HOWELL Jane 1803 H Glatton Convict 15
13/02/1809 SPS MILLER/ John 1801 E Cornw's Convict 39 MELOIN Isabella
09/06/1810 SPS MILLER John Albert 1800 Friends'p Emancip't 32 SMITH/WHITINGTON Mary 1792 Colonial Born 18
08/01/1810 SPS MILSON James 1806 Albion Seaman 27 KILPACK Elizabeth 1793 Colonial Born 17
17/02/1805 SPS MINTZ Martin 1791 Alberma'e Free Man BUCKLE Margaret 1800 Sydney Emancip't 47
16/09/1802 NI MITCHELL James 1800 R Admiral Free Man LEE Sarah 1790 L Juliana Came Free 17
03/11/1805 SPS MOREY William 1799 Hillsbo'h Convict BLAKE/INMAN Ann Maria 1804 Experim't Convict
28/08/1804 SJP MORGAN Morgan 1791 Atlantic Emancip't RANDALL Sarah 1794 Surprise Emancip't 41
24/06/1807 SJP MORRIS James 1801 Minorca Convict 44 WILSON-MITCHELL Sarah 1792 Colonial Born 15
03/11/1801 NI MORTIMER Noah 1788 Charlotte Emancip't 40 COTTLE Mary 1790 L Juliana Emancip't 45
15/10/1805 SJP MORTIMER William 1798 Barwell Convict WEBB Sarah 1803 H Glatton Convict
12/06/1809*SJP MORTIMORE Richard 1791 Wil & Ann Emancip't 39 PORTER/HAMILTON Catherine 1806 Will Pitt Convict 30
06/06/1810 SJP MORTIMORE Richard 1791 Wil & Ann Emancip't 40 PORTER/HAMILTON Catherine 1806 Will Pitt Convict 31
08/04/1810 SJP MOSS John 1792 Pitt Convict 33 HINKS Elizabeth 1808 Speke Convict 27
07/09/1806 SJP MURPHY Francis 1800 Friends'p Convict 34 BLACK Jane 1806 Will Pitt Convict 48
29/08/1810 SJP MURPHY Henry 1806 Tellich'y Convict KELLY Mary Ann
11/06/1810 SPS MURPHY John DAVIS Eleanor 1802 Hercules Emancip't 40
02/07/1810 SPS MURPHY/ Stephen 1803 Rolla Convict 34 SCHOFIELD Alice 1806 Will Pitt Convict 35
17/08/1807 SJP MURRAY Derby 1806 Fortune Convict BURKE Eleanor 1806 Tellich'y Convict 27
09/02/1807 SJP MURRAY Henry 1804 Coroman'l Convict ROSE/GREEN Mary 1793 Bellona Came Free 25
19/11/1807 SPS MURRAY John NSWCorps MONKS Frances 1800 Minerva Emancip't 52
06/05/1810 SJP MURRAY William 1798 Barwell Emancip't 40 McGUIRE Margaret 1810 Canada Convict
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