Marriage-- Cch Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride----------------------------------------------------
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age
06/04/1807 SJP NASH Andrew 1801 Canada Convict 31 -/WADE Mary Ann 1806 Will Pitt Convict 23
07/08/1810 SMW NASH William 1798 Barwell Emancip't 27 HUBBARD Ann 1790 Colonial Born 20
28/02/1810 SPS NEALE Henry 1791 A Barri'n Emancip't -/BUTLER Elizabeth 1809 Aeolus Convict
01/11/1807 SJP NEALE James 1796 M Cornw's Convict 36 FITZGERALD/McCANN Mary 1802 Atlas Convict 23
19/03/1810 SPS NEALE William 1794 Surprise 102ndReg 46 TOWNSEND Sarah 1794 Surprise Emancip't 33
29/04/1805 SJP NEEDHAM Thomas 1792 Pitt Emancip't SHEPHERD Catherine 1798 Britannia Emancip't 37
09/02/1807 SJP NEWHAM/ Richard 1803 H Glatton Convict 33 -/BURNETT Mary 1806 Will Pitt Convict 37
18/02/1805 SPS NICHOLS/ Isaac 1791 A Barri'n Emancip't 35 JULIAN-ABRAHAMS Rosanna 1788 L Penrhyn Came Free 18
25/08/1803 SJP NICHOLS/ John 1788 Scarbor'h Convict 48 PUGH Ann 1801 E Cornw's Convict 31
30/09/1809 SPS NOBLE William 1800 Minerva Emancip't 31 WALKER/THOMPSON Elizabeth 1809 Indispe'e Convict 32
28/08/1803 SPS NORMAN John 1792 R Admiral Emancip't 28 SLATER Ann 1791 Queen Emancip't 42
21/02/1807 SJP NORMAN al VANHEST John al Richard 1792 R Ad' Emancip't 32 McCARTHY Margaret 1802 Atlas Emancip't 17
02/01/1804 SJP NORRIS John 1800 R Admiral Convict 26 FITZGERALD Eleanor 1802 Atlas Convict
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