Marriage-- Cch Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride----------------------------------------------------
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age
17/09/1810 SJP O'BRIAN Brian 1802 Atlas Convict 32 McMAHON Elizabeth
09/02/1810 SPS O'BRIEN Thomas 1796 M Cornw's Convict 53 -/CONNOLLY Margaret 1809 Experim't Convict
08/05/1810 SPS O'CONNELL Esq. Maurice Charles 1809 H Hindo' Officer 42 BLIGH/PUTLAND Mary 1806 LSinclair Came Free 27
26/03/1810 SPS O'DONNELL John 1808 A Gambier Convict BEARD Ann 1798 Britannia Emancip't 29
27/01/1806 SJP OAKES Francis 1798 Nautilus Mission'y 36 SMALL Rebecca 1789 Colonial Born 17
03/09/1810 SPS OBERN James 1808 C Edinb'h Seaman GRANT Elizabeth 1800 Speedy Emancip't 28
29/05/1809 SPS OLDHAM Richard 1797 Ganges Emancip't 33 McCARTHY/BUCKLEY Bridget 1801 Ann Emancip't
23/12/1805 SJP OSBORNE Joseph 1791 A Barri'n Emancip't 32 -/JENNINGS Frances 1803 Bridgew'r Came Free 45
22/07/1806 SPS OVERALL William 1791 Matilda NSWCorps 38 WATTS Elizabeth 1801 E Cornw's Convict
02/10/1810 SPS OVERAND Bryan 1806 Fortune Convict -/McNALTY Catharine 1807 Syd' Cove Convict
14/01/1810 SJP OWEN Hugh 1796 M Cornw's Emancip't 32 WARBURTON Rosetta 1798 Britannia Emancip't 27
13/05/1810 SMW OWEN Samuel 1792 R Admiral Emancip't MAY Jane 1809 Experim't Convict
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