Marriage-- Cch Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride----------------------------------------------------
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age
04/06/1810 SPS KAY/ George 1806 Tellich'y 102ndReg BRADSHAW Mary 1806 Tellich'y Convict
03/10/1804 SJP KEATING James 1802 Atlas Convict MIDDLEBROOK Ann 1803 H Glatton Convict
22/03/1810 SPS KEIGHRAN Patrick 1796 M Cornw's Convict 41 -/KITTS Catherine 1800 Minerva Emancip't 30
29/08/1810 SJP KELLY Daniel 1806 Tellich'y Convict 30 COX Catherine 1809 Experim't Convict
14/08/1808 SJP KELLY Hugh 1803 Rolla Convict 25 DICKS/EVANS Mary 1788 L Penrhyn Emancip't 41
09/02/1807 SJP KELLY Thomas 1801 Anne Emancip't KENNEDY Mary 1806 Tellich'y Convict
25/07/1802 SPS KEMP/ Esq. Anthony Fenn 1795 Officer 29 RILEY Elizabeth 1802 Hercules Came Free 16
19/03/1810 SPS KEMPTON William 1791 A Barri'n 102ndReg WOOD Ann 1798 Britannia Emancip't 42
19/03/1803 SG KENNY John 1793 Bodding's Emancip't 33 GALLAGHER Eleanor 1801 Anne Convict
19/03/1810 SPS KENNY Patrick 1801 Canada 102ndReg TURNER Elizabeth 1803 H Glatton Convict
30/06/1806 SJP KETTLE Thomas 1804 Coroman'l Convict SMITH Elizabeth
15/04/1810 SJP KING John 1802 Perseus Emancip't 46 KELLY Ann 1806 Will Pitt Convict 32
28/01/1810 SDH KING/ Samuel 1788 H Sirius Marine 47 -/THACKERY Elizabeth 1788 Charlotte Emancip't 45
31/10/1808 SDH KINGSTON Robert 1791 Atlantic Convict BARRISFORD Esther 1794 Colonial Born 14
29/01/1810 KIRK Patrick 1802 Atlas Convict 32 BUDDEN/BUCKNER Elizabeth 1792 Pitt Came Free 39
06/05/1810 SMW KNOWLAND David 1790 Neptune Emancip't 36 SMITH Mary 1801 Nile Emancip't
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