Marriage-- Cch Groom---------------------------------------------------- Bride----------------------------------------------------
Date Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age Family Name Christian Arrival Ship Status Age
25/06/1810 SPS JACKSON Henry 1806 Fortune Convict HUDDLESTON Ann 1803 H Glatton Emancip't
13/11/1810 SJP JACKSON John 1801 E Cornw's Emancip't 39 KIRSHAW Mary 1810 Canada Convict 20
11/05/1807 SJP JACQUES Isaiah 1803 H Glatton Convict 29 BROMLEY Ann 1804 Experim't Convict
04/03/1805 SJP JAMES Henry 1791 Atlantic Emancip't STANENALT Elizabeth 1800 Speedy Emancip't 23
28/11/1808 SJP JAMES Samuel 1802 Perseus Emancip't 24 BEAN Ann 1799 H Buffalo Came Free 19
30/06/1807 SPS JAMES William 1791 Atlantic Emancip't 55 -/EMERY Susannah 1794 Surprise Emancip't 53
26/07/1808*SPS JAQUES John 1798 Barwell Emancip't PHILLIPS Margaret 1803 H Glatton Emancip't
13/11/1809 SPS JAQUES John 1798 Barwell Emancip't PHILLIPS Margaret 1803 H Glatton Emancip't
14/02/1804 SJP JARVIS Joseph 1797 Ganges Convict 31 EDDIS Mary 1803 H Glatton Emancip't
20/06/1803 NI JENDERS Joseph 1791 Matilda Convict STOKES Elizabeth 1803 H Glatton Convict
19/11/1807 SPS JENKINS William 1802 Coroman'l Convict 31 CHIVERS Sarah 1806 Elizabeth Came Free
26/02/1810 SPS JENKINS William 1788 Charlotte Emancip't 48 -/ROBERTSON Catharine 1807 Syd' Cove Convict
28/07/1805 SPS JOHNS Daniel 1793 Bodding's Came Free 27 HORTLE Martha 1791 Salamader Came Free 19
12/03/1810 SPS JOHNSON Edward 1791 Atlantic 102ndReg -/HARRIS Catharine 1791 Mary Ann Emancip't
08/01/1804 SPS JOHNSON William 1791 Alberma'e Emancip't 30 SAUNDERS Mary 1803 H Glatton Convict 11
19/07/1802 SJP JOHNSTON John 1792 Pitt Emancip't CATESBY Mary 1801 E Cornw's Convict
23/07/1810 SJP JOICE John 1801 Minorca Emancip't DAVIS Mary 1809 Indispe'e Convict
24/08/1807 SJP JONES John SAXTON Mary 1807 Syd' Cove Convict
22/02/1808 SJP JONES John BROWN Isabella 1807 D Portl'd Came Free
11/06/1805 SJP JONES Richard 1802 Coroman'l Convict HOPE Elizabeth 1803 H Glatton Convict
02/09/1803 SJP JONES Thomas HILL Ann 1801 E Cornw's Convict 19
08/03/1807 SPS JONES Thomas 1802 Perseus Convict 26 DAILEY Elizabeth 1793 Colonial Born 14
30/04/1810 SPS JONES Thomas 1808 Recovery InvalidCo KINMAN Elizabeth 1808 Speke Convict 33
09/10/1810 SPS JUBB/ Thomas 1806 Fortune Convict TREVIS/MAYFIELD Mary 1810 Canada Convict
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